Should we allow other domain extensions. (1 Viewing)

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

In another topic a member suggested that we should open the board up to other extensions in our market place.

Personally I know I have a lot of Canadian flavoured .com's and the idea of listing them does seem aenticing especially because I could deal into my local market in Canadian funds.

I had thought about that previously and kind of iced the idea but come to think of it all domaining forums are in USD and based in other countries.

If we did say yes how would we structure the marketplace?

.ca & all others

.ca & ccTLD's & others

.ca & .com & others

I am open to discussion on this.

We could list all domains but especially Canadian flavoured ones where we own them in .ca and .com.

Feedback please.
I'm open to allow other extensions. .CA domainers own other extensions too. So although it should be a Canadian flavoured forum, I don't think it has to be exclusive to .CA.
So how should we organize it?

Buy & Sell .ca

Buy & Sell Others or break this group down further?
Maybe something like;

Buy & Sell .ca

Buy & Sell Legacy Domains (.com, .net, & .org)

Buy & Sell new gTLD's

Plus, I guess even an another for other ccTLD's like, etc.,
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I do like things to keep things organized as well. I guess it depends on if you're OK with some individual forums being very slow for the sake of being well organized, or you'd rather combine things to keep a fewer number of forums more lively.

Personally, I'd go with aactive's suggestions as I wouldn't want new gTLD's mixed with .coms. I'd imagine .com/legacy domains would have most activity. I'd also imagine that some other forums will be much quieter, but I'd prefer that over combining them any further.
Here are my initial thoughts

.ca Domains
Talk Domains
Showcase Domains
Buy & Sell Domains
Report Sold Dmains
Cira & Legal

.com Domains
Talk Domains
Showcase Domains
Buy & Sell Domains

.other Domains
Talk Domains
Showcase your Domains
Buy & Sell Domains

Board Forums
Off Topic
Board Feedback

Private Forums
Private Discussions
Moderator Forum
Trash Bin
Now that might be a lot of forums and a few places we could cut is....

1. Only allow .ca & .com and not have .other or combine .other with .com

2. Mix the reported sold domains for .ca in with .ca Talk domains

3. Combine CIRA TBR & Legal because they are all technically CIRA related

4. Combine Showcase & Buy & Sell

The way I have it listed in the previous post is best organized but by cutting out a few forums like I mentioned here we could reduce scrolling through too many forums.
I wonder if a single forum for each grouping of TLD's would be sufficient for all of talk/showcase/buy&sell/etc... At least until justified with enough traffic to split it up? Like Everything .com, Everything ngTLD, etc...
I think this might work.
Keep the .ca prominent but provide a group forum for others until they show the need to break off on their own.

rlm said:
I wonder if a single forum for each grouping of TLD's would be sufficient for all of talk/showcase/buy&sell/etc... At least until justified with enough traffic to split it up? Like Everything .com, Everything ngTLD, etc...
This was what I was thinking, so at least 4 categories.

Maybe Legacy could be split into two, .com by itself and then all the rest.

If one extension gets talked about a lot, like .io, it could then branch out into it's own category.

aactive said:
Maybe something like;

Buy & Sell .ca

Buy & Sell Legacy Domains (.com, .net, & .org)

Buy & Sell new gTLD's

Plus, I guess even an another for other ccTLD's like, etc.,
Just for the record...

Adding new marketplaces is a pretty big job because the coding for the marketplace is different from other forums. Most topics lock after 1 hour but marketplaces are always open so the coding aspect to make all the necessary changes are pretty time consuming.

I am totally willing to do it but each Buy & Sell adds quite a bit of work.
I know you do not see it but the underpinnings for that section are quite different and I have had to do a lot of customizations.

4 Buy & Sell would be an enormous task for me to attach all the proper coding.
Regular forums are no issues and easy to add but Buy & Sell has so many changes so it can be utilized as a true marketplace in the future that adding 1 or 2 is probably all I can manage at the moment.

So we have .ca

Maybe we add a .com & then a .other
I mean really, how much .net .org .club etc are we ever going to get.

The vast majority of us have a few of those and a much higher number of .com
*THUMBSUP* for sure start with that and only add more if the participation warrants it.
MapleDots said:
Maybe we add a .com & then a .other
I mean really, how much .net .org .club etc are we ever going to get.

The vast majority of us have a few of those and a much higher number of .com

...and being extremely tech challenged, I understand (but don’t really know) and appreciate how much work it is for you Frank.
So I chatted about this behind the lines with a number of members and think this might be the best solution for a .ca forum.

We already have a "Other Domains" forum

So what if under that I just add another Buy & Sell section for all other extensions.
I mean really, we will probably have 90% .com in there anyways because most people here are .ca owners.

I was thinking about it and a lot of us have Canadian flavoured .com's with the word canada in it, or canadian geo domains or in my case domains with the word maple.

So it would make sense for us to have a place to list it right?
Although it might get more eyeballs, I think it totally defeats the purpose of having a .CA forum. then is "just another domainer forum" when I thought the purpose was to highlight and promote the .CA banner.

And to be honest, if you go the "all extensions" route, NP will eat your/our breakfast.

Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.
DomainRecap said:
And to be honest, if you go the "all extensions" route, NP will eat your/our breakfast.

No one here is stupid enough to think that competing with NP or anyone else for other extensions was the intention.

First and foremost, I personally believe is about the audience, an audience of Canadian based domainers primarily brought together for .CA. It is the _only_ place you will find this particular audience, small as it may be. So from my perspective, discussing anything relevant to a Canadian domainer is relevant here, potentially including alternative investments (including .com's, alt tlds, crypto, etc...), related services (registrars, hosting, sales platforms, CIRA, CDRP, legal, etc...), alternatives to selling your .CA (leasing, ppc, affiliates, drop shipping, white labeling, full scale development, etc...).

I'm not saying any discussions beyond .CA will be active 365 days a year, nor do they need to be. Some of those may warrant their own section, others not. So even if those topics only have the occasional flurry of messages, I'm happy with that and I think its very relevant.
Then we can agree to disagree.

It's like when EB Games / Gamestop started getting out of games and into Pop figures, collectibles, board games, clothes, and all other levels of paraphernalia. I realize why they did it (to make sideline income and increase profits) but it also made EB stores a lot less fun for gamers to go into.

I used to take my kids there all the time, and it was like an experience, but now it's difficult even finding the games underneath all the other crap.

On the other hand, some really liked the change and weren't interested in games at all, and appreciated the ability to buy toys and shirts there. Different strokes.

But it's no longer EB "Games" for me and a lot of others.
I think the focus of the board will always be .ca but just like we have an off topic section where we can post the occasional joke, we should also have a other domain section for those that want to list there. For instance, often .ca owners will own both the .ca and the .com and this offers them the ability to post the domain.

Another example is when a great Canadian Domain like comes along. What better place to post it would there be than on a Canadian domain site?
DomainRecap said:
Then we can agree to disagree.

What's there to disagree about? Are you saying that anything other than .CA domain purchases and sales shouldn't be discussed here?

Oh don't be ridiculous. Sure you point out one example where you were not happy with EB Games losing focus on the games. But there's gotta be a million more examples to the contrary. You've never bought a coke, candy bar, lottery ticket or windshield washer fluid from a gas station before just because it was there? You've gone to the movie theater but refused to buy popcorn because you were only there to see a movie? Are you still choked that Amazon sells more than books now? Do you refuse to put apps on your phone because your phone is for making calls and nothing else? Almost everything has to adapt and grow to succeed.

Many of us don't need to be here to learn anything about buying/selling domains. But I'd be thrilled if grew to have more users and relevant topics, such as those I previously outlined that are clearly relevant to .CA domainers. Then I might actually learn something useful from being here. To me, that would add infinitely more value than just talking about buying/selling domains.
Again, we can agree to disagree.

You may not understand it from your POV, but I'm here because it's a .CA centric site, otherwise I'd be on NP. And no, I do not like diluting everything in the world until it all turns into a Walmart or Facebook.

I like niche, and I think it really serves a purpose. You don't. We're different people.

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