Should we allow other domain extensions. (1.Viewing)

I want it to be a .ca centric site, just not buy/sell all the time...there is not enough to keep it active. Add more associated topics as RLM said and we will have a more rounded site...and still NOTHING like NP, or Walmart or Facebook.
Hey, we're all just offering our own personal opinions as they relate to the questions posed, while everyone seems to acting like they're "right" and I'm "wrong".

"Oh don't be ridiculous." "Are you really saying that.." "Almost everything has to adapt and grow to succeed.", etc.

There is no right or wrong here, and while I have seen niche endeavors thrive when they've gone more mainstream, but I've also seen a lot die out out or become inconsequential when their niche appeal disappears. If you're opening up the barndoors, you better be sure you can compete, as you will lose users on the other end.

If there is one thing I wish we had more of here, it's patience. Why not give it time, see how the site evolves, and what kind of place the users create? Everything is bam, bam, bam, why aren't there more people? Everyone needs to post more! How can we grow the site faster!!! Sell, sell, sell!!!

Damn, that's stress central for me. A user forum should be the exact opposite, a place where we can go to talk, share stories, and relax.
It is exactly what you want it to be, check in once a day or 10 times a day, the pace is what each member wants it to be.

As far as creating traffic that is also the normal part of a forum/marketplace.

I see see your point [notify]DomainRecap[/notify] and I already realize I might have been trying to push a bit too hard. I discussed that with rlm and domaintrader so I am not surprised you picked up on that.

For now the forum will pretty well stay as is, and the only thing I added was a .other section for all other extensions combined. That is a pretty small addition and allows us to stray from .ca when needed.

When I asked for opinions on this there were a whole lot of new forums suggested but I figured it might dilute .ca too much so I added just one.

It is truly hard to get things perfect, the only thing I can say is it will be an evolution. The forum will evolve to what it wants to become and member feedback will be a key part in that.

I welcome all criticism and will try my best to address every situation as it arises. In this case I hear you loud and clear, slow down a bit... I can do that, it has been a tiring pace anyways.

Funny thing.... rlm pretty well said that to me too in a private conversation so really you and him are not that far apart.
One last point....

We do not need more forums, if you want to talk about web development just open a topic in the .ca or .other section.

When I see many topics about the same thing (lets say web development) then we can always decide to add a new forum and move the topics in.

Forum software is wonderful and reorganizing the information is a snap.

So chat about what you envision for the board and everything will evolve by itself. That said, it is a forum so I will always ask for discussion before we make any permanent changes.

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