Someone must be having a bad day (1.Viewing)

Well……. I guess the bright side is that at least it wasn’t a low ball offer. 🧐
I had a similar nasty email once about a one word .ca I'd registered a couple years earlier, from TBR. Some swearing and poor grammar, I think it might have been the previous owner who maybe dropped the domain by accident and finally realized they didn't own it. very weird, just the one email I guess to get their frustrations out.
The danger ones are right after the TBR when someone who is hoping to hand-register a domain finds out it's long gone an hour before. Then they start madly calling the registrar and emailing through the CIRA contact form.

I foolishly replied to a couple of them way back when, and there was clearly no intention to buy, they just want to scream and yell like a frustrated 2-year old.

So I no longer respond to CIRA emails - I just delete them as they come in.
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Well, now I remember another domain, which I picked up in TBR and the guy was furious over the phone as the whois had the phone number listed. He said it was his and that his wife forgot to renew it blah blah blah. After 4 years he contacted again and bought the domain with an apology.
How would you respond back (if at all)?

There is a great domain in TBR this week that could be useful, but I will not going to mention it now.. may be after I catch it. I am all in on that domain name!;)
Cracking Up Lol GIF by Rodney Dangerfield
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