With NameAgency.com advertising STEALTH Acquisitions, what is your opinion of that?
My opinion on stealth acquisitions has always been the same, the seller leaves money on the table when they don't know who the purchaser is.
I know, a lot of you will say as long as you get your asking price you should be happy, but in my opinion the asking price can change depending on who is knocking at the door.
So picture this....
A real estate broker comes knocking at your door and he says he has a potential client for your property. He tells you your property has a market value of 1.2 million and the potential client may even go as high as 1.5 million. Do you sell? No questions asked? NO WAY!!
Find out who the potential client is, he owns 3 other properties around you and wants to develop. Now you have the ability to negotiate price based on facts and you can make the most educated decision possible when selling your property.
Stealth Domain Acquisitions are no different, for all you know Facebook could be launching a new service and you sell the domain for 10k when you could have gotten 250k.
If I am selling a domain at BIN you can swoop in and buy it anytime and it does not matter who you are, but if I am selling a domain with "make offer" that means I am trying to maximize my potential profit margin. It basically means the price is fluid depending on who is asking.
Is there any other reason you would not put a BIN price on a domain?
Now why are domainers selling the domains to stealth end users when a broker comes calling?
The broker is hired by the company to grab the domain at the lowest price possible and the domainer wants to get the highest price possible.
If you want one of my premium domains you have to fill out my inquiry form or I will not quote a price.