Stupid IPs that visit your domains (1.Viewing)

Nov 18, 2020
Nelson, BC
This is a bit silly but I continually see recurring IP's that visit my domain pages, you think you're getting some traffic but then you see it's one of those stupid IP bots. No rhyme or reason, visiting all kinds of unrelated domains.

First here is one I like to see:

Seattle, Washington
Domaintools LLC

Now the ones that are annoying:

Houston, Texas
Halliburton Company

Russellville, Arkansas
CenturyLink Communications LLC

Duncan, South Carolina
Sealed Air Corporation

Portland, Oregon
Amazon.Com Inc.

Indianapolis, Indiana
Eli Lilly And Company

Kazooisyee (Quebec)

and lots from China.

just had to get this off my chest. lol I'm sure there are more than this, it comes and goes.
What's worse is the number of SSH requests trying to hack my server, 27/7/365... Or looking for exploits on old software, /wp-login.php requests on a site that isn't wordpress, attempts at /phpMyAdmin (uh, please never put that there, change the folder name), /login.cgi (do people still use cgi ??), posting crap like this:

POST /cgi-bin/php?%2D%64+%61%6C%6C%6F%77%5F%75%72%6C%5F%69%6E%63%6C%75%64%65%3D%6F%6E+%2D%64+%73%61%66%65%5F%6D%6F%64%65%3D%6F%66%66+%2D%64+%73%75%68%6F%73%69%6E%2E%73%69%6D%75%6C%61%74%69%6F%6E%3D%6F%6E+%2D%64+%64%69%73%61%62%6C%65%5F%66%75%6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%73%3D%22%22+%2D%64+%6F%70%65%6E%5F%62%61%73%65%64%69%72%3D%6E%6F%6E%65+%2D%64+%61%75%74%6F%5F%70%72%65%70%65%6E%64%5F%66%69%6C%65%3D%70%68%70%3A%2F%2F%69%6E%70%75%74+%2D%64+%63%67%69%2E%66%6F%72%63%65%5F%72%65%64%69%72%65%63%74%3D%30+%2D%64+%63%67%69%2E%72%65%64%69%72%65%63%74%5F%73%74%61%74%75%73%5F%65%6E%76%3D%30+%2D%6

I bet half the world's traffic is from bots & hackers...

So I care less where they're from, its what are they doing....

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