Summer Doldrums & Winter Blues (2.Viewing)

Nov 18, 2020
Nelson, BC
Well what is everyone doing during the summer doldrums? Me, just working and trying to keep the garden and lawn watered during this hot weather.

At least the Women's World Cup started so there's some soccer to watch everyday, except the games are in Australia and New Zealand so the games are mostly between midnight and 6am here.

Canada plays today at 7:30 pm PST which is a good time.
Busiest day I've had all year today.

Everything was crazy busy, no doldrums here until August 1st when I spend 15 days on the beach in South Carolina.

That will be a well deserved rest.
Working at WHC and helping my son with a project involving AI and video generation
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This encapsulates July for me so far, with lots of offers (even my Afternic and Sedo offers are up) but a similar number of tire kickers & domain hobos, resulting in zero sales. I usually get multiple $300-$500 offers a day (my minimums), yet they run at the first sign of even low 4-figure counters.

It seems with the poor economy, there are only sharks circling and just looking for domain deals and steals.
What poor economy?? stock markets are up, US GDP beats today, and jobless claims lower than expected in US. We must be in a great economy, soft landing, etc!! lol
What poor economy?? stock markets are up, US GDP beats today, and jobless claims lower than expected in US. We must be in a great economy, soft landing, etc!! lol

LOL, sure... that's what happens when your Finance Minister has Fine Arts degree.
Yeah, you pick the wrong guy(s) and it can be a real nightmare. We've been real lucky but that's because my wife works in a smaller, tight-knit community and she asks her patients who's good at reno/repairs and they know the word will get around fast if they screw up the job.

Also on the topic of "New Sales", after dealing with another pack of tire kickers this week, I'll offer up a dead ringer that you're dealing with a time-wasting domain hobo:

After agreeing in principal to a price, they close off with "I'll get back to you after talking to my partner."

Obviously they never get back to you (as there is no partner and they're living in their parent's basement) and this really seems to be a popular phrase with the "penniless jerk" community. :giggle:
It's definitely not all bad news out there... serious inquiries are happening, and I received the first $12K payment of a $60K sale on a short one-word last week.

Awesome and congratulations!
It's definitely not all bad news out there... serious inquiries are happening, and I received the first $12K payment of a $60K sale on a short one-word last week.
I guess you can't share the full details, but anything you can reveal about the industry, was it for a start-up, or a foreign brand getting their .ca in Canada, etc? Easy or long negotiation? also Congrats!
I read through the headlines fairly regularly, saw DomainShane post today that he hasn't sold a domain for all of July, and that it's unusual for him to go a whole month without a sale. He figures he has to go through all his names and check pricing, maybe lower some prices on some. Just another sign of a slower market that normal for some.
I read through the headlines fairly regularly, saw DomainShane post today that he hasn't sold a domain for all of July, and that it's unusual for him to go a whole month without a sale.

As of 12AM, you can also add me to that club. Sure, a few people have gotten that "random sale" to spice things up, but overall it's not a vibrant market right now.

I think the NA economy is a lot worse than governments are letting on and that businesses are hunkering down for a long, cold winter.
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As of 12AM, you can also add me to that club. Sure, a few people have gotten that "random sale" to spice things up, but overall it's not a vibrant market right now.

I think the NA economy is a lot worse than governments are letting on and that businesses are hunkering down for a long, cold winter.
I kind of agree, stock markets are up driven by a handful of large tech companies and AI hopes/hypes, employment numbers look good because the large numbers who've left the workforce aren't counted, higher numbers of people on 'disability', and lots of talk on CNBC about a soft landing. The data that doesn't look so good will probably start to hit in the second half of the year here, more bank failures touted as 'mergers', commercial real estate loan defaults, and lower commerce numbers. Some inflation numbers have come down but we could see a second and third wave of inflation rising like happened in the 70's. It's definitely time to batten down the hatches somewhat in case the economy starts to go sideways.
Also, around two months ago the US govt removed the debt ceiling temporarily until 2025. So until 2025 there is no limit to the debt growing. In the two months since that happened, US govt debt has gone up by another $1.8 Trillion. Can you imagine how much they are going to spend heading into an election year in 2024 to grease the voters?? It is really out of control, and Canada is not much different on a per capita basis.
It is really out of control, and Canada is not much different on a per capita basis.

Western society is pretty well finished in the long run and all we have now are a pile of foreigners flooding in to pick at the bones. I wonder if New Canadians really understand the minute they walk into Canada they're about $80.000 in debt. The USA is now $92,000 per person. :oops: :oops:

On that note, has anyone else seen a spike in the number of CIRA contact form sales inquiries? It's obviously a domain hobo end-around technique to get a cheaper price than on Dan or GD, and against my better judgement I responded to one and bingo, the pinhead was irate that I didn't want to sell the domain to him for $100. 🤦‍♀️

No more CIRA emaiil replies for me and I just delete them all now. Got a couple on the weekend - DELETE - DELETE - DELETE - and I got one today that was especially outlandish - she asked is I would "assign" the domain to her... as in "just give it to her for free". And it's a short 1-word .CA.

This country is either crumbling to the ground or people are getting dumber by the second.
My base case with regards to domains and the general economy is that we will see some kind of recession starting in the near future (within 6 months, if it hasn't technically started already) and the domain market will likely slow down and get hit like everything else for a while. But given all things technology will still be advancing regardless, there will still be some base level of demand for domains as new businesses and projects get started even in recessions, as we saw in 2007-09 when domain sales continued on. For some it might be hard to hold onto a large portfolio, but cutting out the chaff and hanging onto the quality (and maybe making some opportunistic buys from those who have to sell) will be important because as we come out of a recession and the economy recovers, so will the domain market.

Otherwise, if we do get some kind of soft landing scenario and the economy hangs in there or keeps recovering from here, it will be easier for everyone. There are some that think this will be the case, but it's hard for me to see that as the most likely outcome.

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