Summer Doldrums & Winter Blues (1.Viewing)

After a pretty good September and October, my .CA inquiries and offers have totally dried up to zero. Sales are random, but potential buyer interest is usually pretty stable for me and it's dropped right off the table.

It's pretty stark and even though last November and December were very nice months for domain sales, I am wondering if we're looking at a cold, hard winter ahead.

But what the hell, it'll be a good time to buy.
still crickets for me.

with the higher reg/renewal prices, and the complete slowdown in inquiries and sales, I am really working to cut the chaff from my portfolio as renewals come up. part of my portfolio are brandable type .ca domains that could sell for low to mid x,xxx or better with the right buyer, but it takes waiting, and it's not a waiting market right now. for example years ago when cannabis was coming to legalize in Canada I handregged westleaf/ca and sold it for ~$20k within a few years because of pure luck that a cannabis company decided on that for their name. That's the type of domain I'd probably drop now if it had never had an inquiry, there's no obvious buyer, and I think I might get at best low x,xxx.

it's probably good anyway to do this exercise, if I were making at least low xx,xxx in annual sales right now the renewals would be easier. If a good sale does come along, then I'll probably renew more of what I plan to drop and take another year's flyer on some.

Although some level of recession looks to be ahead, the bright side is that everything is still moving to digital, more keeps being done online, technology and health are advancing like never before, and the crypto market has moved off its lows (Solana up 800% this year from its low), which all create the need for domain names. Remember all the big crypto related domain sales of 2020/21, we'll probably start seeing those again.
Lots of deadbeat offers lately using the Bodis / Buy-Now form, I have around $60K in orders "waiting on payment"... and TONS of cancelled transactions. I have to wonder what they are thinking when they fill out these forms... Even on my own contact-form its shocking how many people fill them out with no intention of wanting the domain. I really need to update my own landers to be mobile friendly and more idiot proof. I have to wonder how many are actually children vs elderly vs idiots vs clowns vs chinese/russian scammers. Maybe I should add a drop-down allowing them to select the option that fits them best??

Good news and bad news on my payment plan sales.

1. the one annoying payment plan I had running has bailed out and failed to make payment #12 of 60. It was only like $109/mo of which $20 was being lost to bank wires, so whatever... I did collect around $1K. This is what I'd call my first real default on a payment plan!

2. another payment plan decided to pay off early. 5 months in they're so happy with the domain they're just paying off the remaining mid 5-figure chunk right now. Good thing because my vacation credit card bill is massive!
2. another payment plan decided to pay off early. 5 months in they're so happy with the domain they're just paying off the remaining mid 5-figure chunk right now. Good thing because my vacation credit card bill is massive!

Wow, I think that last point more than evened everything out. Congratulations!
Wow, I think that last point more than evened everything out. Congratulations!
That's true, the deadbeats and tire kickers are much easier to take when you get some real buyers coming in, or even just one big one.

The lowest 'min offer' I have set at Dan is $788, and others go higher, and I'm sure that keeps out some tire kickers. Domains that point to my own landing pages just have an offer/contact form with no min required. But honestly for months it has been so quiet, don't remember going this long without at least the odd inquiry coming in.
That's true, the deadbeats and tire kickers are much easier to take when you get some real buyers coming in, or even just one big one.

The lowest 'min offer' I have set at Dan is $788, and others go higher, and I'm sure that keeps out some tire kickers. Domains that point to my own landing pages just have an offer/contact form with no min required. But honestly for months it has been so quiet, don't remember going this long without at least the odd inquiry coming in.

Well dry spells happen for everyone, hopefully yours is over soon!

My .CA's have only got attention when they drop. I've somehow had more success with .BIO this year...
My .CA's have only got attention when they drop. I've somehow had more success with .BIO this year...

The TBR is like a magic elixir that transforms unsellable .CA domains into red-hot sellers at wholesale.

It's truly amazing.
I should start a new topic 'winter doldrums' lol.

But Monday got an offer on a two word .com through domain agents, who contacted me through Godaddy. only got as high as $1,000 so will see if they come back, don't want to sell for that.

then Tuesday an offer/counter that was accepted on a two word .ca at high xxxx. first payment reminder has gone out so I'm taking it with a grain of salt until I get the payment received notice.

but a little action is nice after the doldrums! 😁
then Tuesday an offer/counter that was accepted on a two word .ca at high xxxx. first payment reminder has gone out so I'm taking it with a grain of salt until I get the payment received notice.

It depends where you "sold" it - GD or Afternic it's probably a sale, while if it's at Sedo or DAN... :unsure:
Man, am I glad that October was very good to me, as all I'm getting lately are hobos and return-hobos.

I got a quite a few offers this week but when I looked at them closely, there were all returning bidders who were probably hoping I was living on the street, and had upped their initial bids by $100-$200. (n) :poop:
But Monday got an offer on a two word .com through domain agents, who contacted me through Godaddy. only got as high as $1,000 so will see if they come back, don't want to sell for that.

then Tuesday an offer/counter that was accepted on a two word .ca at high xxxx. first payment reminder has gone out so I'm taking it with a grain of salt until I get the payment received notice.
just an update to this, first inquirer doesn't seem to want to go higher than $1,000.

the high x,xxx 'buyer' has been ghosting the calls and reminders from Dan, so I figure that goes nowhere too...
just an update to this, first inquirer doesn't seem to want to go higher than $1,000.

the high x,xxx 'buyer' has been ghosting the calls and reminders from Dan, so I figure that goes nowhere too...
Sounds like the domain trolls are out and hoping for a bargain from a desperate seller looking to pay for x-mas presents...
just an update to this, first inquirer doesn't seem to want to go higher than $1,000.
If you don't mind me asking, how far off is their offer from the price you'd sell at?

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