Summer is almost over! (1.Viewing)

Nov 18, 2020
Nelson, BC
Less than 3 weeks away from Labour Day weekend, has everyone had a good summer and done everything you've wanted to?

Can already tell the days are getting shorter and the mornings are cooler, though we still have a few hot days left in BC it seems.

What was your best part of summer 2022?
Mostly just enjoying the pool in the hot weather. BC is awesome, I hate leaving during the summers or winters. I primarily vacay during the spring or fall shoulder seasons. Heading out tomorrow to tour BC a bit, visiting Barkerville & Bella Coola.
I used to fly in to Bella Coola on my way to logging camps in the inlets. It was quite a flight in through a tight valley. Remember seeing the salmon in the river, and eating at the hotel bar/restaurant. That was 25 yrs ago now!
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What was your best part of summer 2022?
Spending quality time with family. Still have not ventured out after the lockdown. Have to break that trend soon. With the adult children, hard to find the exact time when all could travel out at the same time.
Spending quality time with family. Still have not ventured out after the lockdown. Have to break that trend soon. With the adult children, hard to find the exact time when all could travel out at the same time.
yep - much more difficult once the kids are adults. One daughter is taking a month with a friend to go to Europe in Sept/Oct. The other one is joining us for one week during our 3 weeks in Cancun in Nov, and then I'll get home just in time for ski season opening. The upside is that sometimes its nice to travel without the kids too. And there's no more obligation or guilt to take them everywhere the adults go. Sometimes its even nice to go without the wife too - she doesn't like to do all the stuff I do. I'm backpacking in Glacier National Park (Montana) in Sept with high school buddies. October will be pet sitting my daughters puppy while she is gone, hence the quick road trip now before summer is over... Otherwise, my calendar is pretty booked up for the rest of this year already.

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