Sold For $10,000 USD At Sedo! (2.Viewing)

Yeah, that's a little better sale for sure. I still think it could've easily been double that or more though. Taza is a more popular name thank most would probably realize.

It will be interesting to see who the buyer was. Time will tell.

Actually, whois isn't private. Looking like a real estate play.
After three years of planning and preparation, the partnership created by the Tsuut’ina Nation and Canderel announced a significant milestone with the commencement of the first phase of the Taza development project. Located immediately adjacent to the southwest border of the city of Calgary and totalling 1,200 acres, Taza is one of the largest First Nations developments in North America.
Taza—An exciting collaboration with the Tsuut’ina Nation | Canderel
What does taza stand for?
/Ta-Zah/ noun of Dené origin: Language of the Tsuut'ina. meaning: Something wondrous is coming.

when you google TAZA there are quite a few results, it's a thing!
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If had been on someone's sell list here for $50 I'm sure I would've just glanced past it. Sometimes it's just a matter of the right situation and buyer coming along, I think this is one of those kind of names that we all have some of.
Its all about knowing your domains, doing your research and knowing if you've got a diamond in the rough. So you're right, it was the kind of domain you could find in a fire sale for $50 for and then have it sell for big money months later, when you've owned much better domains for decades... That's just the randomness of domaining.
The reality is you could own hundreds of native words like this and probably never realize a sale.

This is a one off and registering similar native domains is probably futile.
Most of us on here would have skipped past

Sometimes you never know what you have till a decent offer comes along.
I'd be satisfied with $10K for that domain, and I own several domains that have been the subject of large new developments or projects or companies or whatever that never got a sniff, so just because the FN started up a new Tava land development doesn't automatically mean they're going to fork over 5-figures for the domain in .CA.

Take the money and run!
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Sometimes you never know what you have till a decent offer comes along.

Domain beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

And as RLM might attest, domain sales is like poker - you're playing the buyer and their budget + potential need for it, not specifically the domain itself.

I'm trying to do more of this, but it's tough when you get into 5-figures and you need to risk it all to make the big payout. I might never be a high-stakes domain gambler like RLM, but that's where the real cream is hiding.

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