TBR Drop - Aug 10, 2022 (1.Viewing)


Lots of other disposable 3 character domains
What could that acronym stand for?

PNUPhysics News Update
PNUParty of National Unity (Kenya)
PNUPhilippine Normal University (Manila, Philippines)
PNUPrincess Noura Bint Abdulrahman University (Saudi Arabia)
PNUPusan National University (Korea)
PNUPayame Noor University
PNUPharmacia and Upjohn
PNUProtein Nitrogen Units
PNUPolish National Union
PNUParc Naturel Urbain (French)
PNUPosition Navigation Unit
PNUPartai Nahdlatul Ummat (Indonesia)
PNUPrecision Navigation Upgrade
PNUParticular Nutritional Uses
PNUPrenatal Ultrasound
PNUPrecision Navigation Unit (HARM upgrade)
PNUPrincipality of New Utopia
PNUPhoto Net Union
PNUPalestine News Update
PNUPrenatal Ultrasonography
PNUPlanck's Natural Units
PNUPique-Niques Urbains (French)
PNUPraktischer Natur- und Umweltschutz (German)
PNUPatientnamnden Uddevalla (Swedish)
Damn, the last 3 weeks have been terrible for me concerning domain sales - lots of offers, but it's mostly predatory and no one wants to move up to the end user price level. And from what I'm reading on Twitter, it's the same all around, with the odd sale here and there.

Sharks be in the water, so watch out.
And I thought last week was bad in terms of quality, but it's got nothing on this week's junkpile.

Looks like everyone is holding their even-remotely-close-to-premium .CA domain names in a death grip and renewing them fastidiously.
And I thought last week was bad in terms of quality, but it's got nothing on this week's junkpile.

Looks like everyone is holding their even-remotely-close-to-premium .CA domain names in a death grip and renewing them fastidiously.

Which helps the CIRA bottom line and strengthens .ca as a whole.
Which helps the CIRA bottom line and strengthens .ca as a whole.

No, I understand that aspect of it, but other than AUA.ca, the list is junk and that means those who quantify domain quality only by weekly TBR will be bidding on junk and overpaying for junk. I sincerely hope a lot of the picks last week were for end users, otherwise I feel bad for their resale prospects.

I'll say it again, but investors need to treat .CA like the very cream of the crop from .COM. LL/LLLs, singular words, prime 2-word combos, etc. and even then it's a tough market that separates the men from the boys real quick.

I would also recommend comparing the quality and metrics of current TBR domains to your existing portfolio and determining what you paid then and what domains you have sold lately. I did that recently and it was a real eye-opener and caused me to "raise the bar" on what I was buying while also lowering the price that I was willing to pay on "low-upper to mid-range" TBR domains. Like RLM says, at this non-ultra-premium range you're just buying a lottery ticket so price it accordingly.

When it comes to investing, the amount you pay is more important than the quality of the domain - playing the old "I'll just pay more than everyone else" game is a quick way to ruin and people will either figure that out now or later.

If this week of drek hits 100+ picks, then I don't know what to say, as I literally have stuff on my "Wait for a .CA Sale" leftovers list that is better than 99.9% of the "top domains" from this week. No more "buying just to buy" for this cat.
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What is that sound I keep hearing...?

Oh yeah, that's just people scraping the bottom of the barrel.

It looks like MyID got both AUA and MISES, which seemed to be the "Hot Domains" on this week's TBR. And who the hell was bidding PNU up to 3-figures?

The only question is whether the old owners of MISES.ca (an affiliate gambling site) dropped it by accident - the site was live right before it expired - or we have some Traffic Hounds chasing it. Or both.

As for me, good riddance to bad garbage week, and I ended it off with my usual stupidity, where I first smartly placed only a small handful of $20 min bids at WHC, but as I was in a rush, I then compounded that by forgetting to delete a few "but looked good at first" TBR junkers at Dot-CA and BM.

Oh well, better luck next week.
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