TBR Drop - Jul 20, 2022 (17.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

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Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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This week is an aspirational TBR
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I am not getting the special $1.99 "Christmas in July" price for .CA registrations, and I assume it's again being overridden by my discount tier.


I am not getting the special $1.99 "Christmas in July" price for .CA registrations, and I assume it's again being overridden by my discount tier.

That should not be a the case, I'll take a look.

[updated]: I asked our development team to take a closer look.
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Looks like WHC is having some issues with .CA registrations currently. I see the following:

"Our domain search tool is experiencing technical issues. Please try later."​

The $1.99 now shows up on the initial Add to Cart section, but once you actually go to the Cart, it still overrides back to $9.99 again.

Looks like you're halfway home.
Not as bad as when GoDaddy charges you in USD, drives me nuts!!

I would have to disagree, as being charged 5X the stated price, and then wasting an entire afternoon with still no resolution, is quite a bit worse than being charged the correct amount (and in a timely manner) but in USD rather than CAD, as both scenarios have happened to me multiple times.

You might say I've lost my VEAL for life at this point.
I tried veal once in my life and that was when I was much younger from the back of a coffee truck.

If anyone is looking to try something for the first time, I do not recommend anything from a coffee truck for a first time. :)

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