TBR Drop - Jun 19, 2024 (2.Viewing)

biochar.ca - $1050 :oops:

I really hope it was two companies fighting over that one, as I can't imagine making a "domain math" profit at that acquisition price.

After all, BioChar isn't the big deal it was a few years ago, and like all these supposed "magic bullets" to climate change, it has gained a bit of a negative and overrated reputation as a potential solution.
Look beyond the greenwash. Biochar will be huge.

I think a lot of people have figured out that every "magic bullet" supposedly designed to solve climate change is just yet another corporate ploy to make a big pile of money.

I read a study that stated if everyone in North America suddenly found an electric vehicle in their garage, current population growth, electricity production (mostly from coal and gas/oil) and emission levels elsewhere in the world would negate those carbon gains in less than a year. It's amusing that buying electricity from coal plants in Russia, China or India is considered to be "clean energy" by the Liberal elite.

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