TBR Drop - May 3, 2023 (17.Viewing)

So how did WHC, with a lot of high picks, get such a bad APP number? Well, they happened to win all the picks from 48-60 straight. :p
Those weren't "first round picks". Those were second round picks that got "promoted" (into the first 5 second window) because they botched the first round timing. Anything that comes in just ahead of the 5.0 second mark is a sign of a thread that got a "too early" response "5 seconds" earlier.

00:04.922 WHC/Sibername mosquitocontrol.ca
00:04.924 WHC/Sibername smallbusinessnetwork.ca
00:04.926 WHC/Sibername mayada.ca
00:04.930 WHC/Sibername inmemory.ca
00:04.932 WHC/Sibername substrate.ca
00:04.932 WHC/Sibername 5days.ca
00:04.956 MyID fraserview.ca
00:04.959 MyID truckloads.ca
00:04.970 Catchdrop booktickets.ca
00:04.970 WHC/Sibername pattys.ca
00:04.973 WHC/Sibername aiventures.ca
00:04.974 WHC/Sibername nyra.ca
00:04.974 WHC/Sibername berkey.ca
00:04.974 WHC/Sibername numismatic.ca
00:04.974 WHC/Sibername gowns.ca
00:04.974 WHC/Sibername herongate.ca
00:04.974 WHC/Sibername showpro.ca
00:04.974 MyID salesagent.ca
00:04.987 WHC/Sibername causewaybayhotels.ca
00:04.989 WHC/Sibername bendy.ca
00:04.993 WHC/Sibername r2ohome.ca
00:04.993 WHC/Sibername freemarketplace.ca

so that 00:04.922 timestamp, means that thread came in before 11:59:59.922 on the previous try ... and at this point they're no longer hunting premium names, so the success rate skyrockets.
Those weren't "first round picks". Those were second round picks that got "promoted" (into the first 5 second window) because they botched the first round timing. Anything that comes in just ahead of the 5.0 second mark is a sign of a thread that got a "too early" response "5 seconds" earlier.

00:04.922 WHC/Sibername mosquitocontrol.ca
00:04.924 WHC/Sibername smallbusinessnetwork.ca
00:04.926 WHC/Sibername mayada.ca
00:04.930 WHC/Sibername inmemory.ca
00:04.932 WHC/Sibername substrate.ca
00:04.932 WHC/Sibername 5days.ca
00:04.956 MyID fraserview.ca
00:04.959 MyID truckloads.ca
00:04.970 Catchdrop booktickets.ca
00:04.970 WHC/Sibername pattys.ca
00:04.973 WHC/Sibername aiventures.ca
00:04.974 WHC/Sibername nyra.ca
00:04.974 WHC/Sibername berkey.ca
00:04.974 WHC/Sibername numismatic.ca
00:04.974 WHC/Sibername gowns.ca
00:04.974 WHC/Sibername herongate.ca
00:04.974 WHC/Sibername showpro.ca
00:04.974 MyID salesagent.ca
00:04.987 WHC/Sibername causewaybayhotels.ca
00:04.989 WHC/Sibername bendy.ca
00:04.993 WHC/Sibername r2ohome.ca
00:04.993 WHC/Sibername freemarketplace.ca

so that 00:04.922 timestamp, means that thread came in before 11:59:59.922 on the previous try ... and at this point they're no longer hunting premium names, so the success rate skyrockets.

and the new wizard of oz gives us all a peak behind the curtain :)
so much for the catchdrop server upgrades.... errors all over the place again. I mean you could tell this was going to happen again because even hours ago, loading a page was slow with minimal load.

I'm guessing they need way more ram for the database to be held in memory, and hopefully the db is on SSDs and not HDs, plus probably in need of optimizing the tables and queries to perform better.
Was all bidders able to place their bids today on CathcDrop?

Please let us know

Screenshot (94).png

I was able to bid on mine, congrats to the winners.
Those weren't "first round picks". Those were second round picks that got "promoted" (into the first 5 second window) because they botched the first round timing. Anything that comes in just ahead of the 5.0 second mark is a sign of a thread that got a "too early" response "5 seconds" earlier.

Thanks and I didn't know what, and I just go by the 5-second rule.

Does the CIRA botch it every week and every week anything near the 5-second barrier is automatically a second-round pick?
I didn't bother to screen grab them this time, but basically the same as last time though, but not as bad, and not as early, but just in the last seconds. Not saying it mattered too much, I was going to throw one last second bid in, but not a big deal.
Ok good, thank you for the feedback. We want any feedback at this stage even bad!
There are still many updates and speed optimization work pending that will be completed before next auction, the entire team has been working around the clock non stop but there is too many features and it takes time.

Next week will be better, if any other CatchDrop user has any glitch or issue please report to us either here or open a support ticket.

Thanking you in advance
The CatchDrop Team
I also noticed that at one point, the CD Sorting mechanism started working and I was able to sort by price to get the highest one on top.. then it stopped working and all the sort headers went inactive.
Thanks and I didn't know what, and I just go by the 5-second rule.

Does the CIRA botch it every week and every week anything near the 5-second barrier is automatically a second-round pick?
What he's saying is that each tbr connection is only allowed one attempt per 5 seconds. So if they tried too early, like at 59.995, then too bad so sad, you can't try again until 04.995. So its not CIRA botching anything, its just how the system is designed.
CD Sorting only works for me in the "My Dashboard" but not on the main Live Auction page
What he's saying is that each tbr connection is only allowed one attempt per 5 seconds. So if they tried too early, like at 59.995, then too bad so sad, you can't try again until 04.995. So its not CIRA botching anything, its just how the system is designed.

I know that, but why does that automatically make that NOT a 1st round pick? They screwed up the timings and went early, prior to the start of the TBR, but the penalized second attempt still hit within the 5 second limit?

I get what he's saying, that by trying to sneak in earlier than the TBR started, the registrar is penalized on that link and needs to wait another 5 seconds until the end of the first round. It's a penalty for sure, but I don't view the two attempts separately as Pick 1 and Pick 2.

I see it as the penalty forced them into the ass-end of the first round, like those doofuses who miss their pick at the NFL draft and then other teams get to go ahead them. LOL
The tbr auctions on whc.ca are not extending the time after new late bids…please check it out.
Happen last week as well .it’s not adding additional time.


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