TBR lurkers - Discuss here (2.Viewing)

I looked at the logistics of making this change and this is what I came up with...

What I would have to do is create another member group and once that group gets to a preset post count they will be able to read in TBR and probably hushed.

So a registered member would graduate to a contributing member at say 25 posts and that would open up TBR and Hushed for them.

I can set TBR so junior members can read the titles but not the actual topics and that may entice them to contribute if they want to read further.

So without the need to write or purchase any code I could implement this fairly easily and we would just have to discuss how many posts one has to have to gain access to TBR and Hushed.
50!! Forums are based entirely on user interaction, not information dissemination to lurkers. If everyone just read from today on, the forum would die.

And no junk or just delete it and it resets their post count.

I considered that but I'm not sure we have to set the bar that high. Once new members start interacting with other members the ice is broken and in most cases it builds into a trust relationship. Forcing a new member to post 50 times may contribute to low quality content which is also something we don't want. I think 25 posts is a reasonable amount to open up the restricted parts of the board to real domainers and enough of a barrier to keep out general guest traffic.

I am completely open to community feedback on this and in the future, when we get 12 voting board members, we will discuss things like this in the boardroom before we put them into play.

There will be a 13th boardroom member (me) so that we do not run into any tie votes.
From the 13 voting members the majority vote will be implemented.

Only very senior members or industry insiders are being considered for the boardroom at the moment but there will always be vacancies as people rotate out.
I think they should also stay somewhat active. Not just a one time goal. But that could honestly be true for every section, not just TBR.

You could do some sort of payment system to be a member, but based on credits. Posts and replies that are "liked" earn credits. Report your own sale with domain & price and also earn credits. Just posting your domains for sale doesn't earn credits in fact it should probably cost credits.

Credits are deducted each month for your membership fee. If your balance runs low and you don't have enough credits to pay for the next month's membership, you can pay in $CAD to top up your account. And when you first sign up you can get a certain amount of complimentary credits to start with.

Members who participate are rewarded with free access ( which is fair since they're the one's generating the content). Lurkers have to pay $$$.
Min post count and activity is a good idea for sure.

Payments, do the $8/mo, I hear it's all the rage :D

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