TBR Musings - August 25, 2021 (1.Viewing)

These lists are depressing and even the junk gets bid up to the stratosphere.
And remember to stay safe this week, kids, as it's the...


Yes Virginia, about 1 year + 45 days ago WHC had a $2.99 sale on .CA domains and a lot of people (like me) went a bit hog wild on cheap domains. Luckily I sold a few, so I renewed the obvious ones, then did some deep-diving on the rest, renewing those with the potential to sell, before dropping the absolute bottom of the barrel junk.

I'm sure I'm not alone, so when doing WHOIS searches, watch out for domains last registered at WHC in 2020 between the end of June and the first week of July....

Don't say I didn't warn you, because I have a list of my $2.99 drek and I'm just waiting to see how many get picked up on this week's TBR. *JOKINGLY*
Eby said:
Thanks for the heads-up. Better to stay away then..

I realize you're just being facetious, but it is a pretty bad week, even without the cheap WHC castoffs. We just need to be careful to steer clear of WHC Fool's Gold that has permeated this particular TBR list.

People were hand-registering $2.99 .CA domains like drunken sailors that week and even I found a couple of them on my initial list. Even though they'd never qualify for my final list anyway, I deleted those two immediately.
DomainRecap said:
I realize you're just being facetious, but it is a pretty bad week, even without the cheap WHC castoffs. We just need to be careful to steer clear of WHC Fool's Gold that has permeated this particular TBR list.

Honestly, I wasn't. I was thinking that it could save me a lot of time, being the last week in August, when I can spend time with family.

People were hand-registering $2.99 .CA domains like drunken sailors

I found that hilarious.
As of 10:30 Monday morning the number of TBR domains for this week is exactly 7300.
Eshop.ca is a nice name in TBR.

If anyone recalls back in March Eshop.com dropped and landed a hefty price of $148,134 USD at Namejet.

Eshop.net also recently dropped on August 16th and was picked up for $2,200 USD at Namejet also.

Will be interesting to see how the .CA fairs.
Why is CREATION.ca blowing up at Siber, and seemingly nowhere else?

Are there active bids at MyID?
And BOOM, another big spike on CREATION.

I realize it's a bad TBR week overall, but this is pretty wild pre-auction action.
theinvestor said:
There is no surprise here with this one. It’s worth 1K+. I wouldn’t call this wild…but ok :)

DomainRecap said:
but this is pretty wild pre-auction action.

It's important to READ every word, not just skim and then attempt to lay down a passive-aggressive insult.

PRE-AUCTION it certainly is surprising, and I've been part of many mid-to-high 4-figure TBR auctions, and they usually never go over a few hundred dollars to start. Once the auction starts, that's when the big money comes out.

It's obviously either a company or a newb bidding and trying to scare people away with a "big bid".
I wouldn’t call this pre-auction. It also doesn’t mean there are multiple people bidding against each other. On many occasions I’ve put in a pre-bid of $1,000 on a name at sibername. It doesn’t mean there were 10+ bidders on the name.
DomainRecap said:
It's important to READ every word, not just skim and then attempt to lay down a passive-aggressive insult.

PRE-AUCTION it certainly is surprising, and I've been part of many mid-to-high 4-figure TBR auctions, and they usually never go over a few hundred dollars to start. Once the auction starts, that's when the big money comes out.

It's obviously either a company or a newb bidding and trying to scare people away with a "big bid".

Furthermore I’m not sure why you seem to think you’re right about everything. I simply made a statement. It’s my opinion. You don’t wanna have discussion? Then don’t.

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