TBR Musings - December 8, 2021 (3.Viewing)

4 letters

Text Box:
11pm.ca    2021-12-08
8524.ca    2021-12-08
a440.ca    2021-12-08
adcl.ca    2021-12-08
ahec.ca    2021-12-08
anbm.ca    2021-12-08
ar4t.ca    2021-12-08
asd1.ca    2021-12-08
ased.ca    2021-12-08
bgsp.ca    2021-12-08
biff.ca    2021-12-08
bigh.ca    2021-12-08
bigm.ca    2021-12-08
cglf.ca    2021-12-08
chno.ca    2021-12-08
daco.ca    2021-12-08
died.ca    2021-12-08
ditm.ca    2021-12-08
dkek.ca    2021-12-08
e-st.ca    2021-12-08
eamc.ca    2021-12-08
elxr.ca    2021-12-08
enah.ca    2021-12-08
fpro.ca    2021-12-08
jmui.ca    2021-12-08
jstl.ca    2021-12-08
ktli.ca    2021-12-08
leti.ca    2021-12-08
loq8.ca    2021-12-08
lyes.ca    2021-12-08
msf8.ca    2021-12-08
myfd.ca    2021-12-08
nvec.ca    2021-12-08
oach.ca    2021-12-08
oiaa.ca    2021-12-08
ptek.ca    2021-12-08
ralf.ca    2021-12-08
rbee.ca    2021-12-08
rgmg.ca    2021-12-08
rqdn.ca    2021-12-08
rrlo.ca    2021-12-08
rsel.ca    2021-12-08
saji.ca    2021-12-08
swak.ca    2021-12-08
tabl.ca    2021-12-08
tmtn.ca    2021-12-08
tsea.ca    2021-12-08
uaux.ca    2021-12-08
ubuw.ca    2021-12-08
unlq.ca    2021-12-08
vcdn.ca    2021-12-08
vfcs.ca    2021-12-08
vipc.ca    2021-12-08
vlgd.ca    2021-12-08
wati.ca    2021-12-08
wfac.ca    2021-12-08
woak.ca    2021-12-08
yeop.ca    2021-12-08
yflo.ca    2021-12-08
I think I am ready to proclaim this week the Worst TBR List Ever and I can say with absolute conviction that there is not a single .CA that would I go to auction on.
DomainRecap said:
I think I am ready to proclaim this week the Worst TBR List Ever and I can say with absolute conviction that there is not a single .CA that would I go to auction on.

That’s a bold prediction. I have not seen the list yet. So I will hold off my comment.
Eby said:
That’s a bold prediction. I have not seen the list yet. So I will hold off my comment.

If there is a gem, it snuck in yesterday as I have had no chance yet to look over the last-minute stragglers from Sunday.
So what do the Domain Illuminati think about this week's TBR?
So far, of the meager number of domains on my initial list, these seem to be attracting some attention:

Eby said:
Also paypa1.ca. Two big guns !!

Reminds me of paypai.com or when it’s a link and the L is capitalized it’s paypaI.com. If I recall, many years ago there was a scam going on where someone registered it and was sending emails asking you to login to your account. Many people were fooled.
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What the hell is going on with Siber?

I've been trying to put bids in for 10+ minutes, but I always get the same error I did during last week's auctions:

Error: could not submit bid. Please go back and try again.

DomainRecap said:
What the hell is going on with Siber?

I've been trying to put bids in for 10+ minutes, but I always get the same error I did during last week's auctions:

Error: could not submit bid. Please go back and try again.
whiteknight said:

Looking into it.
Maybe this is how there making us switch to whc instead of using the sibername system we all know already and use to lol
I should note that the Siber TBR system worked fine previously, but it seems like it's being overloaded closer to the end date and lately I'm always getting that error near the end of the Wed TBR bidding period and the Thurs auction end time.

No idea if it's just a system issue or someone is hammering you guys on purpose.
In terms of results that mattered to my tiny TBR pick list:

AMES.ca - MyID
Tutors.ca - Siber/WHC
Heatwave.ca - Siber/WHC
Genetix.ca - MyID
Greenenergy.ca - Siber/WHC
Angora.ca - Siber/WHC
PEJ.ca - Siber/WHC

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