TBR Musings - Feb 23, 2022 (1.Viewing)

EbyEby is verified member.

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Jan 27, 2021
Toronto, ON
Well the dust has settled on another hot week.

I am guessing next week will not be as busy as the 319 that were picked up during the drop yesterday.
It's all about fitness, trustee and kush next week.

Don't get fooled by the 3 char which looks like
I know it's still early, but this week's TBR has the look of a real stinker.

I honestly can't find a single domain I'd want to own, and there isn't even a single LLL yet.
DomainRecap said:
I know it's still early, but this week's TBR has the look of a real stinker.

I honestly can't find a single domain I'd want to own, and there isn't even a single LLL yet.

I almost always wait until the full list is out before I invest my time researching it all. I suppose being the early bird gets you the $20 bids, but that's about it.
rlm said:
I suppose being the early bird gets you the $20 bids, but that's about it.

Hardly, as you'd have to be a moron to bid this early at WHC or Siber, as all you're doing is giving away your work for free.

I just spread out the research/work over maybe 4-5 days to make it easier on me. Piecemeal.
Damn, almost 4K in domains and there are maybe 2 on there I would actually bid for. No LLLs, no single-words of note,. no nothing.

Unless there is a major shift in quality, it's a wallet-safe week.
Eby said:
You meant 40 ;)

40 in the old world, 200+ in the New World, no question. I feel bad for these poor Pandemic Pete .CA stockpilers looking through their portfolios in a year's time.

Wow, this week looks red-hot.. with a total of 2 domains bid so far on the WHC Hot List:

And eleven 3-characters on the list, but not a single LLL among them. Eeewww

In the older, saner days a junk list would probably dip below 50 picks, but all bets are off in this crazy, hyper-inflated .CA TBR market we have today. 150? 180? 200+?
We’ll see how it looks when the rest of the drops appear Monday morning
jaydub said:
We’ll see how it looks when the rest of the drops appear Monday morning

We're over 7,000 right now and nothing good except *maybe* internship, and I'm not a big fan of that one either.

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