TBR Musings - June 9, 2021 (3.Viewing)

Eby said:
It's no secret that a pair of domains fetched 9X than I was willing to pay.
But congratulations to the winners, they are the adventurers who now have the licence to the openbar.

Secret went for a lot more than I was willing to pay. Albeit it is indeed a great name and I hope the new owner gets a good ROI on it.
Nafti said:
Secret went for a lot more than I was willing to pay. Albeit it is indeed a great name and I hope the new owner gets a good ROI on it.

It must have been a very dirty secret, because at least two people really had a hard-on for it... I was not predicting that kinda price either.

It turns out I got distracted at the firehall and missed the auctions. I broke free at 11:10 am PST thinking if I hurry the sibername auctions are mostly still going. So I frantically logged in from my phone and was very disappointed to see all but secret were already closed. So someone got some cheap ass deals, ones I was planning on winning, ugh. Anyways, secret I wouldn't have chased that high, for some reason I just keep thinking of secret as a good first word, like secret{something}, but on its own, I kept thinking like secret what? Definitely a nice name though, especially if the buyer has an actual idea for it, not just trying to flip it.

Pair was interesting. It appears to have been dropped by Pair.com, which I believe they bought for $6750 USD back in 2012. They screwed the pooch dropping that one. Bit of a gamble for the buyer hoping that the .com wants to buy it back. Was still a good deal though for a 4L one-word domain - even if the .com doesn't want it.

Probably the best bang-for-the-buck winners were redoak and casita, and maybe even portcity, the nickname of Saint John.

Kinda pissed I missed out on the auctions today, but congrats to the winners.

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