TBR Musings - March 3, 2021 (2.Viewing)

Aren't you rushing things a bit as the list doesn't become final til Monday?
We're about halfway through the TBR week, and with almost 4K names, I don't see a single one I would bid on.

Maybe Chemical, but it's going to be vastly overvalued and overbid way past a viable wholesale price, so forget about that one right now.

Otherwise, it's a mountain or turds so far.
Does anyone actually manually go through the entire list of 1000's of domains every week in the TBR?

Or is there a better way to pull out all the cream?

Years ago I used to print it out and scan the whole thing, but i stopped because it takes a lot of time.

Now I just search for keywords I like and look at the short names. The gems I miss usually get bid up in auctions anyway.
domains said:
Does anyone actually manually go through the entire list of 1000's of domains every week in the TBR?

I stopped producing "the cream" a while ago because it was way too much work for zero return, especially during the pandemic.

You still need to go through the list to get the real good stuff, but the CIRA site lets you parse by the number of letters, which makes it far easier than the old alpha HTML file. I usually concentrate on 3-8 letters, which only means several hundred to look through, and a bit more if you want 9-12 or higher.

You can also search concurrently by keyword and number of letters.

Anyone else notice that someone is dropping a lot of famous artists this week?

Cezanne, Degas, Warhol, among others.
DomainRecap said:
Anyone else notice that someone is dropping a lot of famous artists this week?

He was a prominent TBR guy years ago. I was talking with him late last year via email. He’s trimming his portfolio.
Noticed domains that were dropped from MyID which were the favourites today:

Domain name physics.ca
Registrar name MyID.ca (Creative Pixels Inc.)

Domain name drivers.ca
Registrar name MyID.ca (Creative Pixels Inc.)

Domain name chemical.ca
Registrar name MyID.ca (Creative Pixels Inc.)

Domain name inventive.ca
Registrar name MyID.ca INC.

Will they be the ones picking them up again?
Tough week - a very limited number of good domains led to higher-than-expected prices and lots of demand. No big deal, as I'm not going to lose sleep over any of these.
Eby said:
Seems like they did pick 3 out of the 4 today. Interesting!!

What's truly interesting is that something like Chemical dropped in the first place... if you get my meaning.

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