Tbr results request (1.Viewing)

rlmrlm is verified member.

Domain Business
Nov 7, 2020
Vernon, BC
Country flag
Anyone have the original .json TBR results from CIRA? I had a script automatically saving them, but I forgot to start it up again when I changed servers this summer. I can pull them from posts here, but they're in different formats... I'm just figuring someone here archives all the TBR results like I do too. Obviously I don't use it too often since I haven't noticed it wasn't working since August, but I went to do a little research today and noticed finally....

I need data from August until now basically. If anyone can zip up the files and email them to me, that'd be awesome! PM me if you can.

Do you have Oct 5 results? I'll take them in any format. Its the only one I don't have and my OCD is kicking in.... And it wasn't posted in the weekly TBR thread on DN...

I have them in slightly-adjusted Excel format, from which I created a 1-page CSV file, but I don't see any email links anymore and I don't think Files are uploadable here or in PM.
Text Box:
    "2022/10/05 TBR": [
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
            "Domain": "aelcs.ca",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
            "Domain": "erabistro.ca",
            "Registrar": "other"
            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
            "Domain": "integritybc.ca",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
            "Domain": "webify.ca",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
            "Domain": "beefriendly.ca",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
            "Domain": "fibr.ca",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
            "Domain": "conf.ca",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
            "Domain": "zenful.ca",
            "Registrar": "WHC Online Solutions Inc."
            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
            "Domain": "cryptolab.ca",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
            "Domain": "iamgroup.ca",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:00",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:02",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:02",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:02",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:02",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:05",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:05",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:05",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:05",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:05",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:05",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:07",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:07",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:07",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:10",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:10",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:10",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:10",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:10",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:10",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:11",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:11",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:11",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:11",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:12",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:16",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:16",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:17",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:17",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:17",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:20",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:21",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:21",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:21",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:22",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:22",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:22",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:25",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:26",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:26",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:27",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:30",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:30",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:31",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:32",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:36",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:36",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:37",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:39",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:41",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:41",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:41",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:42",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:44",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:46",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:46",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:46",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:47",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:50",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:51",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:51",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:52",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:55",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:56",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:56",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:56",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:00:57",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:02",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:07",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:11",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:11",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:12",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:16",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:16",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:17",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:17",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:21",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:21",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:21",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:22",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:23",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:26",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:26",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:27",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:28",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:31",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:31",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:31",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:32",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:34",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:36",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:36",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:36",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:37",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:39",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:41",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:42",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:45",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:46",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:48",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:50",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:51",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:51",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:53",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:57",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:01:58",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:02:01",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:02:02",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:02:06",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:02:07",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:02:08",
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            "Date": "2022/10/05 14:02:11",
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