Sold For $22,000 USD By James Booth (1.Viewing)

I just checked, tried to sign up on (from Canada) and this is the message I get.

"Your IP address indicates that you’re attempting to access our services from a restricted jurisdiction. As per our Terms of Use, we’re unable to provide services to users from restricted jurisdictions.(200004432-29a16a38)"
I know someone (a CA with regulatory background) and they where hired by Binance to open an office in Calgary a few years ago, after failing to previously get the appropriate regulation in Ontario. They thought Alberta was going to be crypto friendly but they never had success. This person (later followed by others high up in that office) quit Binance (despite good pay) because they felt like shady shit was going on and that it wasn't worth ruining their career/reputation over. They are now with WealthSimple in a similar role and WealthSimple does handle bitcoin/crypto in some form or another (I don't have an account, so I'm not exactly sure). I would look into WealthSimple because I know & trust one of their senior directors. I believe they are growing rapidly too.
If they aren't a legal entity in Canada, I don't know how they could sue for the domain.

Obviously Binance has left Canada and does not plan to pursue the Canadian market at this time, but obviously when I used "" to compare against "" is was do them being 1 letter apart and anyone can just insert "generic word" and "big crypto/finance company" instead.

My purpose was obviously not to highlight Binance and only Binance and create an entire thread about Binance. 🤦‍♀️

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