I really do believe that the information needs to be published somewhere. As it gives an unfair advantage to those who are not watching the TBR weekly to see if a restricted domain is going to magically appear in TBR.
The CIRA have never done it before when releasing these "last drop" provincial domains, there is no requirement for it, and I think Richard is just being nice to us by giving the forum a head's up. These are also no different than any other TBR expired domain, which include a pile a junkers interspersed with a few premiums from time to time.
Remember, these are NOT geo-restricted or premium domains, they're just regular ones from the old "provincial format" days, and the vast majority will likely be absolute junk with no use but to the original owner, just like any other TBR expired domain list. But there could be some diamonds in the rough, just like any other TBR expired list.
I think everyone is overvaluing the average quality of these domains, as 99% will likely be crap and it's really a numbers game. If there are lot there is chance for a few select premium to pop up, but this probably isn't going to be some massive windfall of ultra-premiums that falls into our laps - I wish.
And exactly how would they announce these drops properly so that everyone in Canada sees it and no one misses out? Parse through a few thousand domains to look for the gems, then feature them on a national TV, Radio, Online and Newspaper advertising campaign?