The new or just fluff? (1.Viewing)

MapleDots said:
You can then select any element in a second and remove it forever..

The problem is that the horrible mini-sidebar design for the WHOIS entry/data doesn't allow much customization, as no matter what I do, I'm still looking at a thin sidebar area for ALL the WHOIS data.

Try it and see if you can get a usable page - I might be able to do it using a theme editor, but my God, hopefully the CIRA wakes up and realizes how bad this sucks.
The WHOIS page on the CIRA site is so absolutely incredibly horrible that I just can't use it going forward. That "tiny sidebar" design + not even defaulting to WHOIS data (but "suggested alternatives") is too insane for words.

I am trying the WHOIS at right now, but does anyone have other recommendations for a fast, simple & clean WHOIS page for .CA lookups?
I know what you mean but it does fit with their slogan on their homepage which says "Claim your space in the digital world." I'm sure they hired experts and had their reasons... and maybe it will just take time to accept/like since what they previously had was good too.

I'm still not sure what I think, and I felt the same about GD and their recent branding change, but this branding change by Dan isn't incorporated into their sales' landers at least, which now have more options and are still the best out there, imo.

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