The push from to Blue sky, Don't be fooled! (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.
Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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The internet is on fire talking about Blue sky and it's 17 million subscribers with people joining in droves to forsake Elon Musk's

Here are a few facts to set the record straight...

  • has over 250 million users
  • mostly dissatisfied democrats are leaving
  • the people leaving do not reflect the global population
  • the main stream media is hyping BlusSky to be the new ALTERNATIVE.
  • Founder Jack Dorsey has left BlueSky not liking the direction it's headed to.
  • Jack Dorsey has now officially endorsed

Screenshot (33).jpg

The main stream media is filling up the Google feeds and site like CNN with the BlueSky narrative trying to get you to believe its the new FREEDOM PRESS when its actually a democrat haven trying to influence the main stream public and weaponize it against X,com.

See the picture below how Google feeds you even when I specifically asked it to feed me information, it instead feeds me BlueSky info.

Screenshot (32).jpg

So I instructed my Google feed to remove all BlueSky articles but I can't escape it, in the last week every single fake news media outlet is feeding the same BlueSky narrative and I truly hope the public is not buying it.
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I don't currently use BlueSky, but it's nice to have options and competition. It keeps X/Twitter from getting too powerful, if there's competition.

I like that BlueSky allows one to have domain names as usernames. X/Twitter should adopt that too, but go even further --- whoever has can claim "example" as their username (albeit with a transition period).
whoever has can claim "example" as their username (albeit with a transition period).

That favours .com, it would be better to exclusively reserve the domain name so can only be used by the domain owner whereas example without extension is open to whoever registered it.

Yes I agree, many times an issue could be resolved with a user name if one could just add the extension. I had to go after the MapleDots registrant back in the Twitter days and got it released to my account.
So I instructed my Google feed to remove all BlueSky articles but I can't escape it, in the last week every single fake news media outlet is feeding the same BlueSky narrative and I truly hope the public is not buying it.

I am getting kind of sick of my Twitter "for you" feed being full of so much political bullshit.

I mean, sure if I followed political people.

I basically try to keep it to domain related things mainly. It's annoying that is occupying so much space.

Having other options is good.

I signed up for an account to see what the hype is about. I will at least give it a shot.

DataCube (

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I like that BlueSky allows one to have domain names as usernames. X/Twitter should adopt that too, but go even further --- whoever has can claim "example" as their username (albeit with a transition period).

I like this functionality, too. I've claimed a subdomain,, as my BlueSky username. FM ( .

Mute is your friend
Doesn't seem to work for muting Elon Musk for me.
I like this functionality, too. I've claimed a subdomain,, as my BlueSky username. FM ( .

Doesn't seem to work for muting Elon Musk for me.

It probably does work because I know you can block him as well.

The issue is that he is retweeted so much you will still see all the retweets from the people you follow and anyone else who appears in your stream.

I predict Truth Social and will merge making the platform the undisputed world heavyweight.
I predict Truth Social and will merge making the platform the undisputed world heavyweight.
What does Truth Social bring to the table? They have a small user base and basically no revenue.

They just have a bloated stock price, which makes them even less attractive to acquire.

Also, the idea of the President merging media companies with the world's richest guy, who is working closely with him in some quasi-government role, really kind of heads toward the state sponsored media direction.

I think that would set a real bad precedent and create a massive conflict of interest.


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