This guy is not happy about bill C-10. (1 Viewing)


Nov 11, 2020
In fact, he’s decided to make a website about it.

Apparently, whomever votes for bill C- 10, he plans to list them (not in a good way) on his newly bought domain name.



I am not affiliated with this guy nor do I have any idea who he is. I just know he’s Canadian. :)
So he's going to "name names", but his own identity is nowhere. Too funny.
Sounds like Rick Schwartz's Canadian twin
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aactive said:
but his own identity is nowhere

HeHe, I know exactly who this is...

- I know who runs that site, he is a domainer

He has been around forever. My point is, he is naming names, but doing it anonymously. Just seems a little hypocritical.
Don’t know who he is but I have seen many redirects to 401

MapleDots said:
HeHe, I know exactly who this is...

- I know who runs that site, he is a domainer

aactive said:
He has been around forever. My point is, he is naming names, but doing it anonymously. Just seems a little hypocritical.

I agree. I had no idea who he is until it was brought up here. Didn’t know he was a domainer.

He has done live videos from his FB page but I don’t watch them.
Despite your point of someone anonymously naming names, I am (personally, not speaking on behalf of anyone) not a big fan of Bill C-10 either.
The cabinet minister responsible for the bill is my neighbour. I see him all the time and we're going to have some beers soon. You guys want me to pass along a message? Lol
Esdiel said:
The cabinet minister responsible for the bill is my neighbour. I see him all the time and we're going to have some beers soon. You guys want me to pass along a message? Lol

Yes, but I want you to get him all liquored up first, then your task is to convince him he needs to buy the .CA of his last name (and you can get the commission!). Just be sure to close the deal before he sobers up! :)
LOL. I see you’ve owned it for quite a while too.

Not sure how drunk I can get him but I’d be willing to bring it up lol. Plus there should be an election soon enough so it could easily appeal to him and be used for his campaign. I dare guess he already checked out the domain too.

Got any price ranges I can throw out there or should we discuss over the phone? Lol
Esdiel said:
Got any price ranges I can throw out there or should we discuss over the phone? Lol

Sounds like a good reason to finally have that phone call :)
rlm said:
Yes, but I want you to get him all liquored up first, then your task is to convince him he needs to buy the .CA of his last name (and you can get the commission!). Just be sure to close the deal before he sobers up! :)

Great strategy.. Never knew we could learn all this here at DN O:)

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