To woo one or two word domains (1.Viewing)

We saw that with moving to

Sometimes a two word domain can be more appealing and more descriptive for a site.

For instance.... might be unattainable given the price but could be a far easier acquisition and be more descriptive. says a lot more than

The good thing about .ca's is there is an incredible number of two word domains available if you get a tad creative.
It doesn’t help that their name is WooCommerce. Should’ve added space when they switched the domain.

I think that's the entire problem here as tons of business have shortened their names without any problem at all. If they had initially branded or later rebranded to Woo Commerce there would be no issue at all. It's like Microsoft rebranding as Micro.

Even when you search on Goggle for 'Woo Commerce' you get this:

Showing results for woocommerce
Search instead for woo commerce
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