.CA Tonal.ca - Sold $5,000 USD (1 Viewing)


Nov 6, 2020


Looks like a good sale at $5000
Possibly bought by the .com owners I’m thinking. Still resolving to a parked page.

I’m also thinking that I would change the name. When I see this name, I think of “toenail”. :lol: Anyone else? :)

Nafti said:
I’m also thinking that I would change the name. When I see this name, I think of “toenail”. :lol: Anyone else? :)
Nafti said:
I’m also thinking that I would change the name. When I see this name, I think of “toenail”. :lol: Anyone else? :)

Damn, where's that LOL button??
whiteknight said:
that was fast that was on a tbr this year lol


Hmm, someone made some money

It sold for 5k, for a second I was confused, that is my magic number. :)
whiteknight said:
that was fast that was on a tbr this year lol

I picked up a domain in TBR @ Sibername on 10/28. No one bid it up in auction (not even me), so I won it but didn't realize it until Nov 11 (it was a slow few weeks in TBR). So I paid for it and set my nameservers so it would resolve to my contact form. The domain was leased within a week. And you'd think maybe it was a previous owner who accidentally let it expire, but it wasn't. I don't even think he realized it had just expired. It was a very mediocre domain I could've sat on for years without an inquiry too. Sometimes you just get lucky...
MapleDots said:

Hmm, someone made some money

It sold for 5k, for a second I was confused, that is my magic number. :)

I assumed the Tonal sale being reported on Namebio is what inspired Mapledots to buy mirror... They're both basically the same product.
rlm said:
I assumed the Tonal sale being reported on Namebio is what inspired Mapledots to buy mirror... They're both basically the same product.

Funny you mention that, I got an offer on mirror yesterday around the same price, I actually did not put that together.
That is a quick turnaround. And another good topic, leasing .ca domains, I wonder how much of that is going on? A good topic for this forum if it doesn't already exist.

rlm said:
I picked up a domain in TBR @ Sibername on 10/28. No one bid it up in auction (not even me), so I won it but didn't realize it until Nov 11 (it was a slow few weeks in TBR). So I paid for it and set my nameservers so it would resolve to my contact form. The domain was leased within a week. And you'd think maybe it was a previous owner who accidentally let it expire, but it wasn't. I don't even think he realized it had just expired. It was a very mediocre domain I could've sat on for years without an inquiry too. Sometimes you just get lucky...
domains said:
That is a quick turnaround. And another good topic, leasing .ca domains, I wonder how much of that is going on? A good topic for this forum if it doesn't already exist.

Probably not much. I'm not sure how many people ever even offer a lease as an option. I actually make an effort at pushing a lease or payment plan rather than negotiating on price. I feel like it shows that I'm at least trying to work with them by giving them options. If they refuse to even consider the lease, then I feel like that's a good clue that they can actually afford it, they just don't want to pay it. Businesses lease all kinds of stuff, offices, vehicles, equipment, etc... But with a domain, maybe because its their brand, they just refuse to consider it. In any case, I push that option all the time, but despite my efforts, I still only have one active lease and one active payment plan.

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