I forget where, but someone recently said that Trudeau is like a puppet of the WEF, and Carney is like a puppeteer. I think the message is that Carney has brains compared to Trudeau, which is probably true. Nobody would ever let Trudeau be head of a central bank or investment firm, or any other business beyond a food truck, and even that may be too much.
I don't think many Canadians know much detail about Carney's background or personal life, other than he's been a central banker in Canada and the UK. He doesn't have a mandate from the Canadian people to be Prime Minister, so he really should call an election, especially since the Liberals have been so down in the polls and they're within less than a year of when they have to anyway. There are already election style ads being run on tv by the Liberals and Conservatives right now. But I'm sure they will only call one when they think they have the best chance of winning. It's never easy for a party who's already been leading for 10 years to stay in power. Not even sure that's ever happened in Canada.