Trump Trying To Destroy Canada (5.Viewing)


Nov 23, 2020
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Andrew Coyne today, Globe and Mail. March 4, 2025
“What he wants is to see a total collapse of the Canadian economy, because that will make it easier to annex us.”
After all the pretexts, after all the fake grievances – migrants, fentanyl, trade deficits, banks – there is no longer any doubt. After months of attempting to mollify Donald Trump, only to be struck by the same 25-per-cent, across-the-board tariff first announced in November, the Prime Minister at last saw no reason not to lay out the reality of our situation in the starkest possible terms.
The President of the United States is trying to destroy us.
This is not a trade war. Mr. Trump does not have any legitimate issue he wishes to raise with us, using the tariff to impress upon us how serious he is. It is not a negotiation, in which each side brings something to the table it is willing to trade for something else. But neither can it even be dignified as extortion. The tariff is not intended to extract concessions from us. If it were, we would have heard some sort of concrete demand from him by now. It is intended, purely and simply, to harm us.
And it will not end here. More tariffs are coming, on our steel, on our lumber, plus a “reciprocal” tariff designed to punish us for the crime of collecting a national value-added tax, the GST. That pretext is as baseless as the rest: the GST does not discriminate against imports, but applies equally to all goods and services sold in Canada, domestic or foreign. Again, there is no demand here, or none that could possibly be met. The point is not to force us to the negotiating table. The point is to break us.
As ever, it is necessary to step out of conventional modes of analysis, to wrap our minds around the full insanity of Mr. Trump’s ambitions. Sucker-punching your nearest neighbour and closest trading partner, even as you are cozying up to Vladimir Putin’s Russia, may not seem to make any sense, until you recall that Mr. Trump has been attacking every other democracy in sight, from Ukraine to Europe to Taiwan.
At which point the penny drops: he sides with the expansionist dictatorships because he agrees with them – because he aims to establish one himself. When he talks about invading Greenland or seizing the Panama Canal – or using “economic force” to annex Canada – he means it.
The good news is that the weapons of economic warfare are, by their nature, mutually punitive. Mr. Trump’s tariffs may hurt our exporters, but they will hurt American consumers, workers and businesses just as much. That’s particularly true in a tightly integrated continental economy such as ours, where parts might move back and forth across the border half a dozen times en route to making the finished product.
Sticking a spoke in the wheels of trade, as Mr. Trump has now done, can only result in higher prices, stalled production lines, broken supply chains, and lost jobs – in America, not just in Canada. Just the threat alone seems already to have spooked investors: not only are stock markets cratering, but the Atlanta Federal Reserve projects that first-quarter GDP in the U.S. will fall by 2.8 per cent annualized.
Of course, the retaliatory measures Canada has announced will do much the same to our consumers and workers. So be it. If this were an ordinary trade war, a spat over this product or that industry, that might be seen as needlessly escalatory.
But this is something quite different. The tariff fight has to be seen in the context of the larger struggle, which – if it were not clear before, it should be crystal-clear now – is existential.
Whatever harm we do to the Americans will probably be only a fraction of the harm they do to themselves. But what is essential at this moment is the demonstration effect: to show that we are unafraid, our resolve is ironclad, and we are willing to pay whatever price we must to preserve our independence.
That cannot, however, be the end of it. Fending off Mr. Trump’s advances may be the immediate imperative. But we must be no less vigilant to reduce our exposure to such attacks in future – by making our investment climate so attractive that businesses will want to locate here, notwithstanding the Trump tariffs; by increasing our productivity enough to offset the efficiency losses from such unwarranted restrictions on trade; by diversifying our trade as much as possible, in favour of more reliable partners.
In time, perhaps, the Americans will come to their senses. But the damage is done. Mr. Trump will never realize his dream of annexation. He has, however, succeeded in destroying the trust between our two nations, probably permanently.


My own opinion is he will try to use the immigrant, fentanyl etc issues as a pretext to invade Canada or Mexico. Much like Russia claimed Ukraine was overun by Nazis.
There is no way Trump will invade Canada imo.

The only reason he is so easily able to destabilize Canada's economy, is because the Liberal and NDP coalition have for 10 years done everything to weaken Canada's economy and business environment. High taxes, red tape, bureaucracy, and an over focus on climate and DEI policies, and endless funding of renewable energy projects with low return. Wasteful government spending that they can't even explain (DOGE Canada please). It has been a government run by a group of virtue signaling clowns. They have cancelled or slowed energy and resource projects to the point where we aren't growing our exports and have landlocked most of what we do sell, making our only viable customer the US.

Since the Trump tariffs issue started, the talk is all about Team Canada, Diversifying the economy, Getting our natural resource projects going and selling to more countries, and ending Provincial Trade Barriers. Where was all that talk the past 10 years?? It wasn't anywhere, because all that mattered was climate and DEI. Now we are seeing the results and how weak and vulnerable our economy is, and that we shouldn't take it for granted. The Liberal government is only a Reactionary government, they have no foresight to plan whatsoever, unable to think 2 or 3 orders down the line about the outcome of their policies.

It was pretty clear that the Trudeau Liberals era was going to end in a complete and utter disaster, and sure Trump is taking advantage of Canada's situation, but a lot of what's going on is really an Own Goal by the Canadian government. Maybe more Canadians will finally wake up and think more carefully about who they vote for.
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I can only imagine all the wasteful government spending that would be found if there was a DOGE Canada similar to the one in the US. Catherine McKenna was in charge of infrastructure and spent a Billion dollars, and was unable to say where it all went. And it doesn't help that the Trudeau government doesn't release documents or redacts them heavily to be as un-transparent as possible.
There is no way Trump will invade Canada imo.

Not at all. He is not that stupid imo.
The only reason he is so easily able to destabilize Canada's economy, is because the Liberal and NDP coalition have for 10 years done everything to weaken Canada's economy and business environment. High taxes, red tape, bureaucracy, and an over focus on climate and DEI policies, and endless funding of renewable energy projects with low return. Wasteful government spending that they can't even explain (DOGE Canada please). It has been a government run by a group of virtue signaling clowns. They have cancelled or slowed energy and resource projects to the point where we aren't growing our exports and have landlocked most of what we do sell, making our only viable customer the US.

Since the Trump tariffs issue started, the talk is all about Team Canada, Diversifying the economy, Getting our natural resource projects going and selling to more countries, and ending Provincial Trade Barriers. Where was all that talk the past 10 years?? It wasn't anywhere, because all that mattered was climate and DEI. Now we are seeing the results and how weak and vulnerable our economy is, and that we shouldn't take it for granted. The Liberal government is only a Reactionary government, they have no foresight to plan whatsoever, unable to think 2 or 3 orders down the line about the outcome of their policies.

It was pretty clear that the Trudeau Liberals era was going to end in a complete and utter disaster, and sure Trump is taking advantage of Canada's situation, but a lot of what's going on is really an Own Goal by the Canadian government. Maybe more Canadians will finally wake up and think more carefully about who they vote for.
Completely agree and well said. It's an "Own Goal" as you said it well, and not even realizing that it was that!! So badly intoxicated with pride and arrogance for the wrong reasons on the wrong subjects/issues. Now time to wake up and smell the coffee.
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Not at all. He is not that stupid imo.

Completely agree and well said. It's an "Own Goal" as you said it well, and not even realizing that it was that!! So badly intoxicated with pride and arrogance for the wrong reasons on the wrong subjects/issues. Now time to wake up and smell the coffee.
Yes, he is that stupid. You're dealing with a guy who acts and thinks like a gr4 education. A complete and utter lack of understanding how the world works and the trigger to a shitload of nukes. He sees himself as a North American emperor. He has no empathy, morals or intelligence. Anyone who has ever worked with him says so. During the election, there was a flood of former high ranking officials saying he should never be allowed near the Oval Office again.

And Doge wouldn't be welcomed by Canadians.
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

They have their right to their opinion. It's not mine.
Did you work with him? Or do you ignore the information of people who did and have FACTS!
The man can't string two thoughts together and can't open his mouth without lying.. He produces word salads. Not a good look.
And do you accept what he's doing to Canada and Mexico as well as threatening other nations. Ukraine?
Predictions are it could be as bad as the Great Depression before it finishes. Soup lines anyone?
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The only reason he is so easily able to destabilize Canada's economy, is because the Liberal and NDP coalition have for 10 years done everything to weaken Canada's economy and business environment.
The last time Canada's economy didn't rely on the United States, the Mayflower was still sailing to Cape Cod.
Did you work with him?
Or do you ignore the information of people who did and have FACTS!
I personally are not friends with any of them

He produces word salads.
I thought it was a she who did that.

And do you accept what he's doing to Canada and Mexico as well as threatening other nations. Ukraine?
He was elected by the majority of Americans on a "America First" agenda. I thought he made that intention very public and looks like he is trying fulfill that. I am not an American and I did not vote for him. But I heard what he said loud and clear. The issue though is politicians say things to get elected and do not follow up on it. But he has decided to fulfill them.

Predictions are it could be as bad as the Great Depression before it finishes.
Again, depends on personal view. I have heard this many times.

I am not going to let this thread gain momentum. But respect your views.
I don't want it to gain momentum, either. But the idiot is taking a run at Canada, and I can't support that in any way, shape or form.
Before we let this thread die out, I thought I’d share a clip from one of my favourite movies to lift the mood!

Despite what people think of Trump personally, no one can deny he has remarkable skill as a politician to come back from his 2020 loss and all the lawfare, and hand the Democrats an utter defeat in 2024. Sure we don’t like the tariffs but his job is to look after America, not Canada. Canadian politicians now have a job to do, and it’s funny that all the things they propose, like fast tracking resource projects, building more pipelines, diversifying our economy, and removing provincial trade barriers, are all things they should have already been doing anyway. We should be more critical of our Canadian politicians and even thanking Trump for waking up Canada to our own economic incompetence. and why not want a Canada DOGE exposing any government waste of taxpayer dollars, because after seeing the USAID waste that’s been exposed, you can only imagine how bad Canada is. People fall into the trap of not liking Trump and therefore being against all of his policies, instead of separating the two, Chamath Palihapitiya made that point and added the media representation of Trump is false and when you actually meet him he is the opposite of what all his detractors say. So go figure. Maybe Canada needs this rethink about the economy and will come out stronger on the other side.
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Quite to the contrary, I do agree with some of the issues you point out. Our politicians have been negligent by allowing us to be captured by the US economy to the point that we depend so heavily on them. And don't get me started on defense. Inexcusable that we are utterly dependent on them, while Gov after Gov has worked to disarm the population, leaving us with little more than slingshots and canoes for defense while the US has built a military capable of overrunning us in their sleep. Gov waste has always been a problem, and we've seen our fair share, but the slash-and-burn tactics in the US under DOGE sicken me. Picking on seniors' retirement incomes and medical care will be his undoing. Baby boomers are one of the bigger majorities. Pity those people in the US that have been sucked into voting for Republicans bribed to ignore the medical industry gouging patients into bankruptcy. Work all your life to lose everything you worked for. But that's the scenario seniors face when their medical needs are the highest.
Diaper Don is not a skillful politician. He is a blithering idiot. He's a con man who can't help but lie every time he opens his mouth. That alone should disturb people. It's not normal. I'd be embarrassed if I lied publicly and someone called me out on it.
I blame the American population that has dumbed themselves down and failed to ask or research critical issues. There were thousands of canaries-in-the-mine that were telling us what would happen if he was elected, and they've been spot-on.
Last but not least, in this rant, I find myself embarrassed to admit that I agree with Putin. Voting is a power that shouldn't be placed in the hands of people who fail to look into the facts and reality surrounding issues. And the Americans have just proven that theory big time.
But, cheer up, with tariffs on lumber, we'll have plenty of wood to build our canoes, and the Canadian Shield offers unlimited rocks for our slingshots.
You should read Warren Buffet's article that tariffs are an act of war.
The overspending and waste has gotten so bad in the US, and I'd say Canada too, that slash and burn is needed and quick.

They will figure out what is waste and what is not. They are not cutting medical and social security to people who are entitled to it, that is what the left is crying and I'm sure it's lies. They are cutting out waste, like paying social security to people over the age 130. Can you believe the millions of people they found getting social security over 130 yrs old? Obvious fraud.

In fact, all the wasteful spending they stop means that money can actually go where it is intended.

The US medical industry has been gouging Americans long before Trump became president. If anything they will uncover waste there, and after the Democrats got rid of Robert Kennedy he is now working with Trump on making America healthier. Who can argue with the issues he's trying to tackle like obesity, rise in autism, and damaging food additives?

To say Trump is not a skillful politician completely ignores the obvious facts. Even if someone hates him, he was considered a joke the first time he ran but still beat Hillary Clinton when the polls had him losing. He lost to Joe Biden in a suspect election that reasonably could have been rigged when you actually look at the stats. Then after Jan 6, the constant lawsuits against him, raiding his home, getting shot, he comes back and gets the Republican nomination again, and wins by gaining in every state and demographic group from the previous election. He clearly taps into a large portion of the US population. In terms of rallying people around him, getting votes, and getting elected, I don't know what more skill a politician could have? I dislike Trudeau, but I admit he has skills as a politician getting elected 3 times.

Not to mention, Trump rallies almost always drew thousands of people in 2024, he can talk on for hours without a prompter and keep it interesting, and he does multiple of them in a day. Not many people have his kind of energy, and at his age. Now compare that to the 4 comatose years of Biden.

To blame the American population as being dumbed down is being condescending and patronizing. They are living and working in the US, they know the issues that are affecting their lives, they know what Trump is and what Kamala is, and they made their choice clearly. They wanted secure borders, less crime in cities, less focus on far leftist radical policies, tax dollars not being sent overseas to other countries, lower taxes, etc.

These tariffs just started and everybody is losing their minds over them. We don't know how long they will last, what exceptions will be made, and if anything it makes Canadians take a strong look at what we need for a better economy - which our current government has ignored for 10 years. Clearly over reliance on climate and DEI issues has not made us resilient or competitive.

It is funny that our Canadian politicians say that the real ones that get hurt from US tariffs on Canada are the American people. And then what they do to retaliate? They place Canadian tariffs on the US - so by the same logic our Canadian government is trying to hurt the Canadian people. Thank God Trudeau is soon resigning for good, and also that Kamala lost so that the Biden era didn't continue another 4 years.
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To be clear, I am just being a realist here, I am not a Trump lover, I know he has his faults. He is not the most polished diplomatic speaker and you can question his moral decisions over the years in his personal life. But you can say the same about Bill Clinton, the same about Trudeau, and countless other politicians. But as a political leader when your choice is the Republications under Trump or the current version of the Democratic party, the choice is pretty clear. The media used to love Trump until he got elected the first time. Then the mainstream media turned against him, the late night talk show hosts turned against him, etc, so it's no wonder there are so many people that have been conditioned not to like him or anything he does, instead of looking at his actual policies and deciding if it's good or bad. I really think Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing.
I certainly agree.. Trump is no saint. But he made people think.
I am not here to judge anyone about their personal life either.
Let God be the judge. But I admire his guts.. Fight, Fight, Fight!!

I am sure you saw the singing today at the well too.. hilarious.
I thought the rock bottom was reached, but I realize now, even that bottom is breached.
I was on a flight, and sitting next to me was my enemy. I prayed that the plane would crash and burn.
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They are cutting out waste, like paying social security to people over the age 130. Can you believe the millions of people they found getting social security over 130 yrs old? Obvious fraud.
No, and that's a demonstration of somebody hearing Trump's lies and taking them as gospel. It's a computer problem. Many of the deaths prior to 1920 were not recorded in the computer records. As such, it shows people collecting money at an advanced age when they don't. It's a known problem and has been brought up many times. Civl servants have done nothing to fix it. In their defense, it's difficult 100 years later to track down missing death dates, especially if there are no living relatives. Why they haven't input a current date and then deal with anyone complaining they weren't getting paid escapes me.
Some simple research would demonstrate just how wrong that claim is. So it's not fraud. It's bureaucratic indifference. And yes, some heads should roll over that.

I have a similar problem. Born in the 50s, I got named after my grandfather and my father, along with my given name, Gordon. As such, there are 4 names, including my last. Computers back then couldn't handle that much information. My DL, Social Security and pensions all lack that "excess" information that couldn't be entered into limited computer space. Even today, I can't get rid of it. When someone phones and asks for my first name, I know it's a gov agency. Generally medical. I even got a letter from a bank manager accusing me of using a fake name. She was forced to write a letter of apology when I submitted my birth cert to their head office along with the letter. My birth certificate is the only document that accurately contains my full name.
Then there was the 3 month delay in issuing my securities license. Finally, I discovered one file had been opened under my first name and a second one opened under my given name. Both waiting for other information. Nobody thought to investigate and join them together.

I won't deal with the rest of your specious claims. Some time spent reading and researching would show them disproven.
I mean "eating the dogs and cats" and "murdering babies" in the basement of a pizza shop that doesn't have a basement?
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