Another thing that's funny with the left, both US and Canada, is when it comes to pro choice / pro life, it's about having a right to control your own body, which I agree with.
But when it came to vaccines, it was get injected or else - lose your job, don't travel, don't go to restaurants, get ostracized, etc. One way it's my body my choice, the other way it's do it or face the consequences. Now we are really getting off topic... lol
Let's deal with that thought. None of you would know, but my wife is a GM at a large seniors building. When covid hit the company asked for volunteers because of the expected staff shortages. I got voluntold I was it. 21/2 years I spent working 10-12 hours a day, seven days a week. BECAUSE:
All those freedom warriors were infecting people left, right and center. Two of our staff held an illegal engagement party. Everyone was infected, but young, so none died. Two residents decided to sneak out and go to the casino. When they got back they were boasting to their friends in dining room about all the fun they had. 129 fatalities. They should have been charged with manslaughter. A 40-year-old teacher with covid came to visit her parents and lied at the entrance about having covid. Her 90ish parent ended up in the hospital and the husband died. When we got the wife back her mind was spaghetti and I still recall her looking at me and asking if "I was her husband?" There were more, but you get the idea. Irresponsible idiots. There wasn't a vaccine in the beginning. And for those of you who didn't realize it, the mortality rate for seniors in the beginning ran around 25%, 1 in every 4. That's your mom, your dad, your grandparents we're talking about.
Now, let's talk about the Health Authority. A bunch of 20-30-year olds, none of whom had ever dealt with a pandemic like covid. There was no magic book to guide these desk jockeys. None of them had ever worked in a large seniors facility. But that didn't stop them. Every Friday at 4:30 some idiotic order would arrive, forcing the already burnt out managers to work all weekend to comply. My wife would often have to work the entire weekend to figure out what the sometimes dozen page orders meant. But given total power, some of the decisions made were astounding. An example was an order on a Friday @4:30 that all 300 suites and the public areas of our building were to be deep cleaned 3x a day. That included all the furniture in the suites. And it was effective on Monday. So who would have a problem hiring & training the extra 75 people it would take in two days. It took a week till somebody finally managed to get through to them that it couldn't be done. Magnify that problem by 8 buildings we owned and all the rest owned by other companies in a major city.
The Govs were warned 20 years beforehand that a future pandemic was likely. They chose to ignore it and not put the money into being prepared. Thus, the shortage of machines, medicine, PPE gear, hospitals etc.
So covid management failed in two major areas.
1/ the failure of successive gov to take the problem seriously and prepare for it. There was no game plan.
2/ The "It's My FREEDOM" idiots running around infecting thousands of people until the hospitals ran out of room and resources. I would never volunteer again. As far as I'm concerned if they don't want to obey the shelter in place order and kill themselves or others, they deserve no sympathy.
And Trump didn't help by encouraging his followers to drink bleach or a horse tranquillizer. Even though he suffered covid himself. Here's a big secret. He got the latest medical technology and knowledge for his treatment. None of the rest of the COVID-19 victims got that privilege. But he still elected to lie about covid so his earlier predictions of it disappearing didn't hurt him politically. And his followers bought it.
I will give him credit for the vaccine push that was successful and ended up saving many lives. Still, by april 2023 the US death toll was 1.1 million people.
So it's not just about your "Me Mentality" and facing the consequences, it's about the people around you that get harmed, frequently your own families. And it's abut the burnt out medical workers who quit and left you to your "Consequences."