If Twitter is actually replaced, that is going to cause a lot of headaches for people who have that link on their website, business cards, marketing materials, etc.
It's a good lesson about not building a primary part of your business on a 3rd party platform.
This case will be exceptionally interesting to watch. No one knows how it plays out over long term. Musk is clearly (a) not an idiot, and (b) has way more information about what's to come.
I am not active on Twitter and I have no steak in the outcome, but from a business case standpoint, this looks like the very beginning of something much bigger.
For as long as I have been building startups and consulting clients, I've told everyone to be present on as many platforms as possible, even if that requires crossposting the same content everywhere.
If you can build a following on your own domain — fantastic. But investing all your effort into a couple of platforms means potentially losing all your audience overnight. I think the past 3 years have showed exactly that. And it is no longer just rare cases. YouTube, Meta and pre-Musk Twitter have all been cancelling and/or de-monetizing accounts in masses. Say the wrong thing about COVID or politics — you are "Men in Black"ed from memory. I know content creators who lost their YouTube accounts with 1M+ followers they spent years building just because they were broadcasting a different point of view. No platform today instills that confidence, not even Medium or Substack.