Uniregistry vs Dan.com Questions (2.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

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Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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I just registered with dan.com and uploaded 500 domains.


I like:
- That when a client lands on my domain they can click my name and see my entire dan portfolio

I dislike:
- The bank transfer looks shady when someone from North America is asked to deposit in Europe.


I like:
- The user interface and how I can communicate with clients

I dislike:
- That the marketplace does not show who the seller is when someone lands on my domain.
- That I cannot have a link to all my Uniregistry Domains to provide to an end user like at Dans.

So my obvious answer is to use both services along with Godaddy Auctions but it seems really odd to me that if someone asks to see all my uniregistry domains I cannot provide them with a link.

The big thing that has me hesitant on Dan is it is geared more to Europe and may scare an end user when asked to send a larger wire transfer to Europe. Being from Canada it is not uncommon for us to use USD and sending funds to the US but personally I could not see myself sending 25k or something to Europe for a .ca or .com domain being used in North America unless the seller was from Europe.

I think Dan needs a North American Bank to send wire transfers to as well as the Europe one.

I think Uni has the advantage there and with Uni I can even take payment in CAD for my .ca domains which is a pleasant surprise.
I think Dan.com is the nicest of all the listing sites, niche dashboard, traffic stats, landing pages are clean and like you said they can see your whole portfolio.

In the portfolio section you can easily set your prices and see monthly views / leads etc.

just checking now GameCoin.ca has 1,771 monthy views and tsla.ca has @167 I suspect that some of the gamecoin views might be a bot.

The best part for me is being paid in Etherium it's quick and easy.
dancarls said:
I think Dan.com is the nicest of all the listing sites, niche dashboard, traffic stats, landing pages are clean and like you said they can see your whole portfolio.

So why are you not forwarding your RedTagDomains.ca to your Dan profile?
That is a great way to advertise it.

I put about 500 domains on Dan and forwarded MapleDots.com to that and I left MapleDots.ca as my lander.

Now I did a really smart think by using the User Name MapleDots.ca on Dan so if a client wants to deal direct they see my user name and hop on over to the .ca

I have quite a few domains on GoDaddy Auction and just uploaded almost a thousand to Uni.

I am not using Afternic because they drive me crazy with all the pricing emails and Sedo is kind of a waste of time until they remove all the old .ca listings. I show quite a few of my .ca's which I have not listed there and you cannot buy for anywhere near the price they are showing.
I'm not forwarding my RedTagDomains.ca to Dan.com is the same reason I'm not really making a go at domains... no focus, to many squirrels out there! lol

I have a million things that are 52% done then Squirrel... I am by far my own worst enemy. I have spent most of the morning trying to figure out what I own and where, what expires, what market place do I need to update.

Crypto / Nft's / forex trading are (at the moment ) my main focuses, plus work has been crazy too many over time hours.

Today is the day I clean up my domain mess lol, I will forward my site to Dan.com. I almost think that I should remove all my other domains for other listing services and keep them all in one place. I have sold a few domains at other listing services but I like the ease of use and layout of Dan.com, the only other one that really did well for me was Efty.com
Yeah.... I might move exclusively to dan

What I mean by that is to pint the nameservers to dan but I will probably leave make an offer listings at other marketplaces with all my buy nows at dan with the nameservers pointing there.

I will keep an eye on my trial domains to see how it works but like I said in my first post...

I wish payment was sent to the USA office for Canada and not to Europe.

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