US election results (1.Viewing)

Nov 18, 2020
Nelson, BC
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did anyone post a topic on this? was a resounding Trump win, even in states he lost he picked up more votes, which shows the Dems have really slipped in support.
Markets have rallied strongly which means the economy should heat up which is always good for domains.
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I don’t remember seeing a thread on this. As for the Canadian election, we will see a change happen. It’s 99% certain. No way that the people are in a mood to go with the thinking of the current govt. so get ready.
I was mentally comparing this to other tough elections where the Democrats were using their platform to enact "social change" and won, and I found one notable exception to this year.

Previously, the 'social change' the Dems brought to the table may have been distasteful to some Americans (like JFKs' civil rights legislation) but it was still viewed as morally and ethically correct. These helped promote equality within America. What Kamala brought to the table was far-far-left ideologies that promoted inequality, and while these may have been theoretically supported on party lines (like forcing trans women into women's sports), few agreed that it was morally and ethically right to force 6'4" 250lb biological males into competitive women's sports like basketball, rugby or field hockey.

Ask yourself, do you feel what is depicted in this photo as morally and ethically right? Is this fair and just to all Americans?


Concentrating on and promoting divisive and morally-bankrupt far-far-left agendas like this, rather than putting their resources towards jobs and the economy, is a huge reason why the Democrats lost. Their radical social policies were enacted by "idealists in ivory towers" who thought they knew better than the "uneducated masses", but it was the real Americans on the street who were voting with their hearts and minds.

Trump didn't win as much as the Democrats lost due to their insatiable hubris and an almost-total disconnect with the American public.

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