You may notice the site behaving odd on occasion for the next 24-48 hours.
This is due to moving from google domains for dns to whc for our dns serving.
Some of you might have heard about the sale of google domains to SquareSpace:
Squarespace buys Google Domains for $180 million
Google Domains has been solid for us but SquareSpace is a big unknown and support is everything so I have decided to move that portion of the site to whc.
Not to worry the forum still runs on dedicated cloud servers for speed but the dns, subdomains, forwarders, mail lists etc will all be managed from the whc side.
We still have to get a dedicated IP to assure our mail does not get blocked by a rogue spammer on the same server but other than that the move should be complete in the next 24 hours or so.
Please report here if you experience any issues.
PS. A lot of the forwarders, subdomains and things have to be recreated so if you find anything not working please let me know.