Yes FullHost is aboard for one year, I had some time on my hands, recovering from a long hot day at the cottage.
Am enjoying the air conditioning so I thought I would be productive and get the sponsorship live.
It comes just in time because our email servers have been blocked by hotmail and I have to go with Amazon email service which will set me back a pretty penny.
Seems like Microsoft is over eager to block our forum notifications and the only option I have is to throw some money at it and get the email professionally managed.
Our cloud servers seem to get tagged once in a while due to large volume of emails sent out for notifications.
I visit frequently enough that I don't really need notifications, as true for the most of us that generate the notifications.
IF this were my forum facing the same issues of mail being blocked, I would do the following:
Queue up all notifications. Within the next 24 hours (or other period of time), if the subject topic of the notification gets visited by the user intended to receive the notification, then the notification is not required, and thus remove it from the queue. Any queued notifications not already seen can then be sent once they've been queued the long enough.
You could probably eliminate 90% of your outbound notifications that way.