What happens if Alberta or Quebec secedes from Canada? (1.Viewing)

Jul 1, 2022
Toronto, ON

With the future of .io coming into question this week, with the news that the UK will return sovereignty of the British Indian Ocean Territory to Mauritius, I thought it would be a good time to see how ICANN has treated disappearing countries and territories in the past.

As far as I can tell, ccTLDs have been removed from the DNS root on only five occasions since ICANN came into existence in 1998.

Read more: Five times ICANN deleted a ccTLD, and what it means for .io - Domain Incite
In my opinion that has a lot to do with the Canadian currency.

If the provinces keep using CAD then there would still be a union of some kind, but if the US dollar was adopted then .ca would probably be lost.

Maybe domain.on.ca, domain.ab.ca or domain.qc.ca would make a comeback.

Room for thought if you own a lot of valuable .ca's
I personally don’t think it will affect .ca’s.

Canada is still too big of a market. I still believe in the .ca market.

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