What happens to domains when a country changes names? (1.Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

Not a good time to own .in (India) extensions​

So it looks like India might change their name to 'Bharat'

That means the .in extension will probably become obsolete.

The million dollar question here is.... will there be a free for all or will the new extension (lets say .bh or something) roll over any preexisting .in extensions to the new one.

Is there any precedence there? Has it happened before?

The .in extension has seen it's fair share of troubles lately, as you can read here:
India might ban .in domain investing

Not a good time to own .in (India) extensions​

So it looks like India might change their name to 'Bharat'

That means the .in extension will probably become obsolete.

The million dollar question here is.... will there be a free for all or will the new extension (lets say .bh or something) roll over any preexisting .in extensions to the new one.

Is there any precedence there? Has it happened before?

The .in extension has seen it's fair share of troubles lately, as you can read here:
India might ban .in domain investing
There are have been multiple country name changes, but really none on that level.

Sometimes there are situations like with Sudan. South Sudan split off from Sudan.
Sudan retained .SD, while South Sudan was delegated .SS.

Burma changed it's name to Myanmar years ago, but the .BU was never delegated. They use .MM.

There are more recent changes like -

Swaziland; Kingdom of Swaziland changed to Eswatini; Kingdom of Eswatini.

They still use .SZ. No other extension has been delegated.

I can't see .IN being replaced. It is too widely known and used.

I also don't expect people to stop calling it India anytime soon.

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