What I got for Christmas - Post your favourite Present (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

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Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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This thing was made in 2021 and is all original down to the pictures on the box, it even smells like the old toy I had.

I remember taking the figurine to bed and it has a memorable smell, even that is there, it is an EXACT duplicate.

Totally blew my mind :eek:
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I finally got a real gaming laptop this year, a Lenovo 7 Pro with all the fixin's, and it's the craziest thing I've ever seen. Slim, all-metal and relatively light but with vapor chamber cooling, a QHD 16" screen, and a top-end CPU + GPU. This thing is about as high-end as you can get performance-wise and yet it can still double as a business system.

That said, my favorite things I did this holiday season are:

1) Sitting down to watch Christmas specials with my now-University aged kids - love the classics (esp. the Dean Martin/Frank Sinatra Special) but my fave is probably the White Elephant episode of Regular Show - watching Muscleman get his comeuppance to Burl Ives' Holly Jolly Christmas never gets old. I also finally found the last Love Boat Christmas special (S10), which was a big hit with everyone.
2) Having my youngest back from 1st-year university - that's one tough transition as a parent.
3) Almost getting a hernia taking my own Toy Mountain to Toy Mountain - after the 4th trip back to the SUV it got kind of stupid and people were asking who I was and if I owned a business.
4) Seeing my oldest (who is a co-op science student with a real gov't job) finally have the money to proudly give her own set of presents to everyone.
5) Continuing to give to the food bank.
6) Being magnanimous to those I care about.
7) Even with the horrible weather on Christmas Eve, having a part of my extended family over for Christmas Day.
8) Reexperiencing Barbra Streisand's zany Broadway version of Jingle Bells - it's truly one-of-a-kind and no one ever believes me when I tell them how crazy it is.

I hope everyone had a great holiday season and here's to an even better 2023.
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This thing was made in 2021 and is all original down to the pictures on the box, it even smells like the old toy I had.

I remember taking the figurine to bed and it has a memorable smell, even that is there, it is an EXACT duplicat.

Totally blew my mind :eek:

I had that as a kid. I remember putting firecrackers in his hand before launching him down the driveway, then graduated to m80s strapped to Evil. I don't remember if he survived that or not, I'm guessing not... That's about my last memory of him.
I think every boy from that era had an EK Stunt Cycle.

Yeah, I wanted it so bad as a kid and my dad ended up buying me a knock off which so disappointed me. My best friend had this and we played with it forever and when it finally broke he let me keep the figurine.

I remember sleeping with that figurine as a kid and biting on the head, it had a very specific smell. I can tell this thing is real because out of the box it had the same smell. It is an EXACT reproduction, you would swear your childhood has come back when you open this thing.

What an incredible Christmas surprise, after all these years I finally got my own.

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