What is everyone doing for email with a custom address? (1 Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON

I am currently with WHC hosting and I use pop 3 to forward my me@mybusiness.ca email address to me@gmail.com.

I can send out via gmail via my me@mybusiness.ca because I use pop3 so I can set my outgoing address.

I am experiencing quite a few difficulties via the WHC spam filters and missing important emails. Last night I was notified by netflix that my emails are not going through and I had to substitute my regular gmail address.

  • I have set the WHC spam filter to 10 (lowest filtering level)
  • I have whitlisted @gmail, @outlook etc, all major providers

Yet I still get so many complaints from customers of my emails bouncing and the netflix notification last night confirmed for me that I need to look at something else especially for email because hosting packages are to restrictive with spam. I don't want nor need spam filters, gmail does the job perfectly for me but on shared hosting you are bound by the server and in my case its not doing it's job.

RoundCube comes with the hosting package but it's no answer because the rejected mail in on the server end before it ever reaches rouncube. The pop3 integration with gmail is pathetic because it checks only once or twice per hour so I also set a forward (redirect) which works instantly in most cases but that changes the headers and marks emails from lists as spam and they go to my spam folder.

I am at my wits end with email and google apps is getting out of control price wise (per user charge) and overly complex to administrate because you need separate business and personal inboxes and integrating everything into one inbox is overly complicated.

I was thinking of emailing WHC support but I know the answer, its shared hosting, they cannot turn of spam filters but short of a dedicated mail server I am stuck on what to do because I use it for my personal business, dn.ca, and mapledots emails and at this point I am quite concerned on how much I am missing especially since even netflix cannot get through.

All I can say is I want to continue using gmail as my central inbox where all email ends up. Those filters work flawless and I DONT meed more spam control. I need something that forwards all mail with an unfiltered pass through so I can decide what is spam or not and shared hosting is for sure not the answer.

I am going to look around and see what I can do so if any members have some advice please feel free to post.

Also @FM maybe you can give me some advice with shared hosting.

I have dedicated servers for dn.ca but they do not handle the emails, they only handle automated emails and all other @dn.ca like admin@ sponsor@ donate@ are all handled through WHC and I am worried knowing my email is filtered at a higher level than what I have access to.
I've been using Google Workspace for many years. You can use domain name aliases with it, too:

I had them for a number of years but I had so many workspace accounts it cost a small fortune.

Plus I use a free google account I have used for many years as my main collection inbox and with workspace I always had to login separately at the top right.

You cannot use a workspace address inside the free gmail yet I can put almost anything else inside my free gmail, I have dozens and dozens of email addresses going there.

So workspace works great if you have 1 business with many employees but as soon as you have dozens of different domains it gets pretty overwhelming.
I did end up contacting WHC support and they set up a _dmarc for my one business domain which I then copied for my others.

I still hate that there is a MIDDLE spam cop there that I don't control in shared hosting but I also figured out how to get a _dmarc report when there is a fail (reject) on my business accounts.

The plus with google workspace is nobody got a fail, it just went to spam and I checked once a day and if I recognized anyone I set them as safe. On shared hosting you can set someone as safe but the can still get rejected by that middle man.

So we dialed the setting down dramatically using the _dmarc setting and I only saw 4 rejects this morning on my business accounts and they were clearly spam. A ton off regular spam got to my google spam account which is exactly how I like it. It's so I can view it and decide if its legit or not.

So for now it seems to work, I will update here if there are any other issues.

The only true solution would be a dedicated server where spam could be turned off in WHM on cPanel or a shared server that WHC.ca has that setting turned off for.
I had them for a number of years but I had so many workspace accounts it cost a small fortune.
With domain name aliases, you can have info@example.com and info@example1.com and info@example2.com all going to the same inbox, with the ability to send from each separately too (using "Send mail as" under the Mail settings). With filters, one could direct each domain name's emails to a separate label/folder, too.
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With domain name aliases, you can have info@example.com and info@example1.com and info@example2.com all going to the same inbox, with the ability to send from each separately too (using "Send mail as" under the Mail settings). With filters, one could direct each domain name's emails to a separate label/folder, too.
Great video explaining how to set up multiple email aliases. I made the switch to Google Workspace a year ago and haven't looked back since.
I am aware of all of that but I have some totally separate businesses and for expense purposes it requires separate workspace accounts.

What the problem for me is I cannot centralize all the mailboxes so if I make filters I get errors.


Business #1 = jeff@business#1 but jeff also wants jeff@gmail.com in the same inbox.
So I forward jeff@business#1 to jeff@gmail.com.

Now whenever jeff communicates with another staff member the staff member get a massive warning that he is ouside of the business structure. Workspace has no way to let a remote worker use their workspace account from within free email.

Now if that remote worker works for 6 different businesses he would have to go top right and drop down to 6 different logins instead of a central mailbox.

With WHC email I can transfer all the businesses to free gmail via pop3 into a central mailbox and one never has to go outside of that mailbox. It simply gets a label business#1 #2 etc.

So with workspace I get too many mailboxes.


With WHC mail I get an entity acting as a middle man trying to filter my spam.

I like gmail filtering my spam all in one spambox where I can see them. Not seeing all spam makes me uneasy and sure enough I had complaints where client emails were getting caught.

If I could forward worspace to free gmail without an error warning I would go back to them but since they implemented this it kinda sucks. Technically you can mark it as safe but the error comes back with every email and workers communicating back and forth will see it unless they log out of their regular inbox and log in with workspace.

A few of my tech guys work for numerous companies and they want the mail to come to their inbox or nothing.

So with worspace I have to figure out how I can somehow attach it to a regular gmail inbox to send and receive without that warning. It's something google has not thought of yet.
Also @FM maybe you can give me some advice with shared hosting.
Hi Frank, sorry for the delay, I'm off for the long weekend. I can ask our support and/or sales team to get back to you on this though, they might be better equipped to answer this.
I ended up going back to Google Workspace for my main business.

Took days to set up with the new anti spam rules, spf, dkim, dmark etc.

Managed to put it all into one account and am using filters to send to other users so basically only paying for one account. The catch all filter works great too because spam filtering is second to none on gmail.

Here is an old article I wrote a while back showing how you can run multiple users on one account. Some things may have changed a little since then but the concept is still the same.

Run multiple Workspace gmail accounts on one license (legal)

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