What is wholesale on a decent 3 letter .ca on TBR? (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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I recently bought a decent 3 letter domain on TBR for $700

I have to say I'm a little surprised I managed to finagle it for that price.

So the question I have is how many of you are picking up bargain 3 letter domains?
Maybe it's because there were a number of them and it was a huge drop week or maybe it's the norm.

By comparison I paid $600 for a decent two word .ca

It's kind of leaving me scratching my head that 3 letter domains are not fetching more.

Now I have to admit, I don't do much in TBR because of the whole MyID thing, I cannot seem to bring myself to do business there so everything I see is coming from WHC now so I'm probably only seeing half the story.
i paid around low $xxx to $x,xxx (at TBR). $x,xxx for a 1 word 3L domain.

In the latest auctions at MyID, Some LLL domains went as high as $1,xxx. They were good letters. I had backorder on all the good LLL domains at Sibername and MyID and saw the bidding activity. MyID prices were higher than Sibername this time around.
I think it all depends on the LLL. Maybe this week the quantity had something to do with it. But in reality all it takes is 2 bidders interested in a name and you will see the bidding go up quickly. I’ve paid $x,xxx many times for LLL’s.

So if you can get decent letters and under $1,000. Consider that a win.

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