DomainRecap said:You know, I really hate this "thread" term, as when I talked to contacts at the CIRA they always referred to the new system as "TBR connections", as in "currently 1 connection per company". I got the technical breakdown in an email from CIRA when the change went through and it was all "multiple connections", "one connection per company and one order per 5 seconds" and "now registrars can add many connections under a single company".
In Java, C#, C++ etc, "threads" does have a meaning that I would consider fitting here, apart from the fact that the connection between the threads is missing.
Google said:Thread is a light weight process which helps in running the tasks in parallel. The threads works independently and provides the maximum utilization of the CPU, thus enhancing the CPU performance. Threads to make Java application faster by doing multiple things at same time.
This being said, I usually use connections too, as in "concurrent connections". Other registries, also differentiate between guaranteed and overflow connections and maintain different server pools for different types of transactions (which CIRA used to do as well, not sure if they still do). The interesting part is that in gTLDs larger registrars usually have the same restrictions for their connections that small registrars have.