WHC: A new Client Area is coming! (3.Viewing)

It's weird, it works on our Android, and there is a recommendation to have a border around the logo for visibility. Is this a Chromebook?

No the examples are on Android, I used the chrome browser, navigated to the site, hit the 3 menu dots, and selected add to homescreen.

If you look at my picture again, this is how I uploaded my favicon for mapledots...

Notice the clear background, click the image to see the clear background, it will show up as the same colour as the page it displays on where the WHC one has a grey background.

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Is there a way to get a link to the below in the control panel?


It would be handy, especially on mobile.
I think we got what you're asking for already, but maybe we need to work on the label. Is this button not visible on your device?

At first I peruse the list and on mobile it's too many clicks in. Placing it directly into the collapsible side menu makes it far more intuitive on mobile and small screens.
Okay, I see what we can do. Unless I misunderstand something, it's just one link to click on from the backorder center - without opening the menu, even. But I think you're looking for a shortcut from other screens. Adding it to the menu means we need to add a third level there, we have to see how this works across devices.
Screenshot (67).png

That button always loads the french version of the control panel. I change the language inside the control panel to English and it works until I click this button again which resets it to french.

When I go to the cPanel from the regular cPanel address beaudry.whc.ca:2083 it also loads in french but when I click on English it tells me the language will be remembered by the browser and that seems to be the case but you have to do that on every device.

To me it looks like french is the language WHC has everything set to, which is correct given they are from Montreal. Personally I've had my struggles at WHC with french coming to the foreground numerous times. There seems to be no way to set english to be permanently dominant for my account. I have changed the WHC control panel and the cPanel language settings etc but french keeps coming back every so often which can be frustrating given I do not speak french.
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To continue this...

Hitting most of these links resets cPanel to French and there is nothing you can do, all links moving forward stay french until you go into cPanel and reset it to english.

Now funny thing is when I go into languages it is still set to english but I have to save it to reset it.

It seems like french has a master switch on it of some sorts and my server BEAUDRY is obviously set for french.

So for me I have to bookmark everything separately and NOT use the whc control panel shortcuts or everything resets to french.

Not a huge deal because I still have my old hosting account, I'm basically trying to get set up and familiar with this but the language thing keeps getting in the way.


The french links seem to be fixed as of yesterday, every link I click on in my WHC dashboard and cPanel now stays as my selected language of English.

I am also happy to report every feature except WHOIS seems to work for me now on the NEW control panel.
I successfully changed a WHOIS yesterday on the OLD control panel so I can do it unassisted when I need to and once they get that resolved on the new control panel it should be good to go. From my perspective anyways (y)
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Hey FM @FM

Is there any way to sort by lock status or can I display what is not locked?

I'm just wondering because out of curiosity I decided to check my lock status and I cannot find a way to do it or display it for all domains.

I guess I could select all and hit lock, that would be a way around but it would still not assure me that all domains are locked.
Hey FM @FM

Is there any way to sort by lock status or can I display what is not locked?

I'm just wondering because out of curiosity I decided to check my lock status and I cannot find a way to do it or display it for all domains.

I guess I could select all and hit lock, that would be a way around but it would still not assure me that all domains are locked.
So we cannot display some of the domain flags in the overview yet - ultimately, we want to make this customizable.

As for locking all domains - yes, you can display all of the domains in the overview, select them and lock them. A confirmation is displayed at the end, but I understand and agree it would be better to have this information in an overview.

Add button doesn't like to page to add the backorders when there's an active auction. It links to the same page as My Backorders (Login - WHC.CA). It should be linking to: Backorder .CA Domain Names | Web Hosting Canada

Add a link to the left side menu called "Add backorder"
Thank you silentg @silentg . I believe MapleDots @MapleDots had suggested adding a menu item for the new backorder to the menu as well. I'll discuss this with our User Experience team and I'll also create a bug for that link to be fixed.

You can now also use this icon in the new client area to provide feedback/report bugs (bottom right):
Where did the "RENEW" link on the "You have X Domains expiring within the new 7 days" Dashboard Notice disappear to? It was soooo useful and all there is now is a lame notice without a link or action to take.


It doesn't make a lot of sense to keep the renewal notice banner yet delete the 1-click RENEW button - Notice the "Oh no you got outbid" banner still has the BID NOW button. What's up?

I was certain that RENEW link was still there early on in the Beta, but now it's totally gone and I'm not impressed. I am so used to it, that I really have no idea how to quickly (one-click) get to a pre-sorted list of domains that need to be renewed.

And I also miss the "X days expired/X days til expiry" notice that used to be on the Renewal list - man, there sure seems to be a LOT of graphical improvements, but a commensurate loss in terms of functional and informational features.
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On another note, it doesn't look like your system supports WHOIS profiles and if I wanted to make a change to my WHOIS addresses, it looks like I would need to change each and every domain manually. I always thought it was whatever was in my Profile at WHC, but apparently not.

I ask because my old address is still on many domains (probably from an old transfer that had old data) as well as some with "Privacy" addresses on them (again from transfers from registrars using privacy). - if I want to change these erroneous WHOIS records back to my WHC profile is there an easy way of doing this?


P.S. And is this for real? "Every adjustment to the registrant’s contact information locks the domain for 60 days, blocking the domain from being transferred or any other information from being changed." I thought it only locked for 60 days when you changed Contacts or Registrars, not by correcting a spelling mistake in your street address.

P.P.S. It also seems that we have lost the original Registration/Transfer Date and now only have Renewal Date (as well as dropping the original purchase price) - is this gone forever or is there somewhere to view it?

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P.S. And is this for real? "Every adjustment to the registrant’s contact information locks the domain for 60 days, blocking the domain from being transferred or any other information from being changed." I thought it only locked for 60 days when you changed Contacts or Registrars, not by correcting a spelling mistake in your street address.

Good question. But just to clarify a bit, CIRA only locks the domain for 60 days if the registrar changes, indicated by server* EPP codes. Changing the registrant does not lock a domain by CIRA rules. Any lock that a registrar applies due to registrant changes is purely registrar internal policy, which I could only see justification for maybe if they didn't know their own customer and suspected fraud. If the registrar has a good and proper KYC policy, I see no real reason to lock a domain for a registrant update. And the mechanism they use to do this is the EPP Client* codes, the same EPP code they use when the registrar offers you the security option to "lock" your own domain. Because of this long historical use, in my mind, those client* EPP codes are a layer designed for the Registrant to decide to lock/unlock a domain as an extra security layer. But the registrars have decided to use it for themselves lately which I first really noticed when GoDaddy locked a domain that was simply pushed into my 20 year old GoDaddy account (so they've known me for a damn long time). And the way they lock the domain (even though CIRA doesn't say it should be locked), is by removing or disabling the security button in the interface which would unlock it yourself. Another option they've used it to simply refuse to give you the auth code too, however, CIRA circumvented that (and rightfully so) when they gave us the backdoor to get our auth codes from CIRA direct. Now CIRA just needs to tell their registrars that they cannot deny a registrant's request to unlock a client* locked EPP code in order to prevent a transfer out, unless possibly of they have some actual evidence of wrong doing, and even then, I feel like that should be CIRA level decisions, not the registrar. If I have issues with my registrar, and CIRA rules don't dictate a domain to be locked, I don't understand why CIRA lets them get away with locking it anyways.
The domains don't actually lock when you make a change, I have a topic on that here:

WHC - Whois Clarification

This is the main part in the link above to look for...

3. I used the old control panel to change whois several times on an old domain so it appears the statement below is incorrect, you are able to change whois multiple times. I did that on an old domain so I can verify that it works. Now I have to see if it actually locks the OLD domain when the whois changes are made. (I will update that)

Play by the rules: Keep your WHOIS information valid and up-to-date. Every adjustment to the registrant’s contact information locks the domain for 60 days, blocking the domain from being transferred or any other information from being changed. Invalid information could also lead to losing your domain.
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I have about 500 domains at WHC and I recently got a hosting account. They integrate very nicely and once I factor in TBR it is an incredible setup.

The new panel kills the old one other than the fact you have to go to the old panel to update whois.

I think the new control panel is one of the cleanest I have seen, I edited the cookie so I always stay logged in, it basically takes me seconds to do most operations.

The 3 free me@domain.com email addresses with each domain is a killer bonus as well.

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