WHC bulk transfer in (1 Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
I have a list of a few hundred domains in CSV form complete with transfer code, is there a way to bulk transfer them in?

Also can they be bulk transfered preserving the forward to field as well? That field is on the CSV sheet.

The domains would all be unlocked and ready to go.

@FM is there A tech guy we could ask?
I have a list of a few hundred domains in CSV form complete with transfer code, is there a way to bulk transfer them in?

Also can they be bulk transfered preserving the forward to field as well? That field is on the CSV sheet.

The domains would all be unlocked and ready to go.

@FM is there A tech guy we could ask?

@MapleDots : Thank you for your trust. We're working on a bulk transfer for that allows for upload/bulk input of the auth codes at the moment (in the design phase), but in the mean time, we can help with this part.

As for the forwards, I'll look into that and get back to you. It's one forward per domain?
Yes one forward that would be specified on the spreadsheet.

It could be up to 500 domains once I look at the list
Have you checked into this Frank?

It's a huge task to transfer that many domains.
Yes, Frank, It's something we can accommodate, but we need to work ahead a bit to time this properly. I'll reach out to you outside the forum.

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