WHC Notification - Your domain is set to renew soon (1 Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
Screenshot (71).png

Nice reminder from WHC but I have it set to NOT renew.

It's probably a standard email everyone gets when the system sees the domain hit 30 days, however the title is a bit off considering I have it set to NOT renew.

Hopefully it's just an error in the email and not the system.

PS. Here is the opportunity for someone to own lris.ca by purchasing it from TBR :LOL:

@FM - not sure if that can be fixed for domains set to not renew.
At the moment, the messaging for domains that are renewing and expiring is still the same, but it's something we're hoping to change soon.
At the moment, the messaging for domains that are renewing and expiring is still the same, but it's something we're hoping to change soon.

Just change it to something like...

Your domain is set to renew or expire soon

You could even add...

Check your control panel for details
Screenshot (42).png

Screenshot (43).png

That needs to be fixed, again it has me hopping to the control panel when I get the email.

Not an issue now but when CIRA increases pricing I expect to drop a number of domains and I wont remember the settings of all causing me to hop back to the control panel everytime I get a similar email.
It’s not a terrible thing…you’ve never had a change of heart and renewed a domain one more year? :ROFLMAO: Well I have….
It’s not a terrible thing…you’ve never had a change of heart and renewed a domain one more year? :ROFLMAO: Well I have….
The only problem I have with the email is that its a flat out lie. It says it IS set to auto-renew when it is not. If you've specifically set something to NOT renew, then you get a message that it is going to auto-renew, you panic because you don't want to waste the renewal fee. Tell me its NOT set to renew and the domain will be lost, that's fine.
Thank you for the reminder @MapleDots , we will be looking into improving this soon. Rather than just changing the subject line, we're hoping to customize the message depending on the state of the domain(s). Currently, there is only one message for both scenarios.
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