Who was part of the LifeLabs class action lawsuit (1.Viewing)

LifeLabs Data Breach Class Action – Settlement Payment Notice

Message from the Claims Administrator: Be advised that you will receive an e-Transfer from KPMG Inc in the next 5 business days. Given the large number of valid claims received (i.e. 901,544), all class members who made valid claims will receive a payment of $7.86, which has been calculated in accordance with the Court-approved terms of distribution.

Instructions to deposit the e-Transfer

  • Please follow the link provided in the payment email from Interac.
  • Enter the following password when asked the security question: LifeLabs
  • Important: You will only have three (3) attempts to accept the e-Transfer, after which the payment will be cancelled. Be advised that the e-Transfer will not be reissued if you fail to accept the payment.
  • If you have any questions or require assistance in accepting your e-Transfer, please contact your financial institution.
It is possible that the automatic deposit function is enabled with your financial institution. If this is the case, the payment will be automatically deposited to the account associated with the payment email address provided on your claim form and no password will be required.

Be advised that 30 days after the date of issue, the e-Transfer will expire and therefore cannot be deposited. Be also advised that the e-Transfer will not be reissued.

For further details on how your payment was calculated, please refer to the "How was the payment per claimant calculated?" question of the FAQ on the settlement website.

For more information, please visit the settlement website: https://lifelabssettlement.kpmg.ca/.

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