Who will win the Stanley Cup? (1 Viewing)


Nov 18, 2020
Nelson, BC
At least there are 3 Canadian teams in it this year, Calgary, Edmonton, Toronto.

Maybe it's finally the year for the Leafs to go far, at least get by first round?
After what we saw yesterday, seems like the Leafs will have a jump on the Bolts and will advance to the second round. I hope Boston can get over Carolina and would love to see Leafs beat them to advance.

As for the Oilers, I hope they advance too. But there is a huge doubt that they could.

Flames are favourites to go to the finals with Colorado but the 3Ms are hard at it - Matthew, McKinnon and McDavid.
Boston - ugh. Wouldn't wish to play them in the playoffs. As a Montreal fan I've always thought of Boston as a tough team, and always enjoyed when Montreal beat them in past playoffs, though Boston has their share of wins too. And Boston has also done a number on the Canucks in past playoffs.
The only reason I mentioned Boston was because, Leafs need to settle them once and for all. "Tougher is better" as Keefe said about playing the Bolts.
The Leafs played like they are on a mission last night. Tampa didn’t look well at all. Both Stamkos and Kucherov looked really off. Especially on their power plays. I still think it’s possible that the Leafs could choke yet again….. Which reminds me of this meme:


I would love to see a Colorado/Toronto final. I have been a Leaf fan for almost my whole life and one of my best friends is an Avs fan. Him and I were at the Colorado/Toronto game in Dec.2019. He’s 6’5 and 290 so anyone who stands next him looks pretty tiny. :)


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