WhoIs DancerA ? (1 Viewing)


Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Toronto, ON
Screenshot - 2023-01-02T185350.465.png


A few things here...

1. I was thinking of a friend I have not heard of in quite a while so I decided to visit him on Twitter and I was not able to find him. Eventually I figured it out but it took a while because he changed his whole twitter persona.

2. I have been warning about Paradise Trippies since they first came out. In fact I remember distictly critisizing them on my old Namepost forum. I called them absolute junk, a rip-ff from the Bored Apes and I predicted they would be worth nothing in a year. In fact I went on to say that the only people who will make money on this venture can be crammed into a telephone booth. (think about it you will figure that one out).

I am saddened to see my good friend was ripped off by them, I know he was going through a move and some tough times so this makes me livid that these two cigar smoking jokesters have his hard earned money.

I will discuss later who DancerA is but I'm sure you guys will figure it out on your own soon enough.
I thought Dan was a member here? If not, he'd be a great addition to this forum.
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I am saddened to see my good friend was ripped off by them, I know he was going through a move and some tough times so this makes me livid that these two cigar smoking jokesters have his hard earned money.

Isn't that the Shane Cultra + James & Andy Booth NFT project?
Isn't that the Shane Cultra + James & Andy Booth NFT project?

Yup, I was pretty vocal about them on my old NamePost forum, I had an entire topic pretty well warning people that the only reason that project existed was to line the pockets of the booth brothers.

Additionally that was one of the ugliest projects I have ever seen, fishbowls and tree stumps mixed with aliens and octopuses.
Yup, I was pretty vocal about them on my old NamePost forum, I had an entire topic pretty well warning people that the only reason that project existed was to line the pockets of the booth brothers.

But that's the only reason any NFTs exist - to scam the unwary and naïve while lining their own pockets.

I cannot believe people fell for this "herd mentality" crap.
You should hate on the use cases, not the technology.

Lots of people use computers for Ponzi schemes, but you don't see me hating on computer technology do you? NFTs are one small use of blockchain technology, just as "Nigerian Prince..." scams are only a small use of email tech.

I am intimately familiar with all the "idiot investment fads" during our short history, from tulips to Cabbage Patch Kids to Hummel figures to 90's comic books to Beanie Babies, and everything in-between, and NFTs had all the earmarks of a similar crash-n-burn phenomenon.

The only surprise was how incredibly fast the public caught onto the grift and killed the market.
Dan is on a mission:
I wish I had my old string on NamePost.com, I leaned into the trippies and come done on them a long time ago.
They advertised extensively on Domaining.com for around 6 months and I got upset every time I seen an ad to the point where I forced my adblocker to block them all.

Probably one of the ugliest NFT series I've seen.
Isn't that the Shane Cultra + James & Andy Booth NFT project?
That's the one> The project minted out and no sooner than it did andy booth drained the community wallet and paid his domainer pals Shane Cultra and Morgan Linton big bank as advisors. It went downhill from there. Funny thing is Cultra is always bragging about his business prowess and successes but the businesses I invested in he played a big part all went to crap. Talk is cheap and NEVER TRUST A DOMAINER except me of course
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Lots of people use computers for Ponzi schemes, but you don't see me hating on computer technology do you? NFTs are one small use of blockchain technology, just as "Nigerian Prince..." scams are only a small use of email tech.

I am intimately familiar with all the "idiot investment fads" during our short history, from tulips to Cabbage Patch Kids to Hummel figures to 90's comic books to Beanie Babies, and everything in-between, and NFTs had all the earmarks of a similar crash-n-burn phenomenon.

The only surprise was how incredibly fast the public caught onto the grift and killed the market.
NFTs are cool they are just finding their legs. the technology is cool. Utility has a ways to go. Think of it this way...if you were to take a look at the first 100 domain names ever registered you would say to yourself WTF were they thinking. The names are not great. The reason...lack of utility...domain names were first registered for the purposes of email....they existed before the idea of websites became popular....once the domains could be used for websites they became more popular and valuable. The use case for nets is still emerging but they are much much more than a beanie baby fad. they are here to stay. one day they will be more than just profile pictures
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Dan is on a mission:
I wish I had my old string on NamePost.com, I leaned into the trippies and come done on them a long time ago.
They advertised extensively on Domaining.com for around 6 months and I got upset every time I seen an ad to the point where I forced my adblocker to block them all.

Probably one of the ugliest NFT series I've seen.
ugly in more ways than one
gotta be honest Im and idiot!
The reality is I'd bet a lot of people get into it knowing its a huge risk and potential for huge reward if you can time it properly. But it sounds like those douchebags killed it so quickly that even their early investors got screwed. If you're going to build a pyramid scheme or ponzi scheme or whatever, the cardinal sin is to screw over your early investors because they're they ones that a) know your address, and b) are required to get your scheme off the ground. Those types are fine with screwing people over a dozen tiers down the line. Screwing their earlier investors is going to come back to haunt them. Hopefully.
The reality is I'd bet a lot of people get into it knowing its a huge risk and potential for huge reward if you can time it properly. But it sounds like those douchebags killed it so quickly that even their early investors got screwed. If you're going to build a pyramid scheme or ponzi scheme or whatever, the cardinal sin is to screw over your early investors because they're they ones that a) know your address, and b) are required to get your scheme off the ground. Those types are fine with screwing people over a dozen tiers down the line. Screwing their earlier investors is going to come back to haunt them. Hopefully.
The Booth Brothers flushed their reputations and Andy foolishly sullied the value of Paradise.com in the process a domain name he said he was donating to the project which later he revealed was a lease. So people thought they were investing into a business with a multimillion dollar asset attached to when in fact that asset was not a part of the company. Oh small problem. There was no company. Booth claimed he was operating a business but in effect he was operating a proprietorship without a licence lol! He was the business! He also bold faced lied to investors by claiming that he had a deal with an online casino that was paying the NFT a 25% royalty on sales in exchange for using the NFT characters in their games. Turned out to be yet another lie told by domain legend andy booth. I mean when a guy STARTS OUT like this you know its going to be a rough ride. People who behave in this way must either be crap faced drunk all day, have a drug problem, be completely detached from reality or are narcissistic assholes compulsive fucking liar and cons. Not sure which of these account for Andy Booth's behaviour but the guy has lost serious street cred if not his mind
So people thought they were investing into a business with a multimillion dollar asset attached to when in fact that asset was not a part of the company.

Also the BAYC that was the face of the project, Trippy Pete (edit: Party Pete?), was sold off as well

I bought into the hype and lost some money on Trippies. Luckily I was able to sell most of my holdings when the floor was higher than where it is now.

NFTs may have a future, but I'm taking a break to see how the space plays out. But one things for sure, I'm steering clear of derivate projects and hype
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