This is my understanding of it. I'm pretty sure that Israel wants nothing more than to be left alone and have peace. Egypt, Jordan and Syria all attacked Israel in the six-day-war and Israel then captured land after they fought back and kicked everyone's asses. Them's the spoils of a war they didn't start - yet many years later, Israel came to trust Egypt enough to return the Sinai peninsula. Giving back that land seems to be a pretty good indication that Israel just wants lasting peace.
But Gaza is a completely different story. Iran has blatantly used Gaza as the place to carry on their proxy war against Israel. And clearly the population of Gaza has been caught in the middle of all that. Unfortunately the majority of Gaza population (who also presumably just want to live in peace) can't seem to keep out the militants as supported by Iran and Syria. If they could, I don't think there would be a problem. Israel has to maintain some level of control over Gaza as a matter of national security - and sadly - they're clearly failed to do that as well. Basically they feel that Gaza is infested and it is now time to fumigate the entire place - which is what we are seeing now. I can't say that I entirely blame them, but it's a bit of a no win situation too. If Palestinians were more proactive in PREVENTING this attack, they wouldn't be suffering the consequences. Israel and Egypt have both agreed to a long-term blockade on Gaza to try and cripple the militants - and you'd think the peace loving people would push out the militants to put an end to the blockades. So to some degree, it could be argued that all Palestinians are complicit in allowing this to happen from their neighbourhoods. That being said, clearly there are many innocent children in harms way and it is entirely tragic for all of them. It is horrible, and everyone complaining about it isn't exactly offering any realistic solutions either. Clearly Israel needs to "fumigate" Gaza of Hamas. While they probably won't be able to eliminate Hamas (the individuals can too easily fade into the general population), they can systematically wipe out whatever infrastructure Hamas has - but for their own safety, EVERYONE has to be pushed out for that to happen. l get it, that's just the logistics of an operation like that. But obviously that creates a humanitarian crisis too. Unfortunately, that also plays right into the hands of Iran and Hamas where they attack Israel but ultimately make Israel look to be the bad guys.
So is my understanding of the situation correct? Let me know if I'm missing anything, I'd like to know and understand.
So to all the opinionated out there - what is the solution?