With the new credibility of .xyz comes increased fraud (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

Community Guide
Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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With the new found credibility of .xyz comes increased fraud for the extension.

With google, square and many other companies using the .xyz domain extension it is fast becoming the new way for companies to brand at a reasonable price. As the public becomes familiar with the extension the trust factor sky rockets and the average consumer lets their guard down. Fraudsters are quite aware of this and are shifting their attention to the .xyz extension, especially because it is starting to take off in the financial sector.

The next step is two word .xyz domains with a financial trademark as the first or second word. Any company using a .xyz domain in the financial world would be wise to protect their services by also registering their full name or brand to minimize the possibility of fraud.



As you can see by the above screenshots malicious behavior in the .xyz extension is not new but from the lock of it is set to increase exponentially.

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I get fraud and spammy emails from all extensions.

I think these days you have to always be on guard for what you click on.

Wish I had loaded up on more single word .xyz years ago when they were cheap and easily available, based on the sales prices I've been seeing the last year. Honestly I thought xyz would be a dead extension eventually.

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