Wordpress Domain Broker - Landing Page to Sell Domains (1.Viewing)

MapleDotsMapleDots is verified member.

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Nov 4, 2020
Waterloo, ON
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Interesting. What does it mean when it says 'multiple domains, one install'

If I have 1000 domains, how does the lander know which domain to display?


If someone visits "ABC.ca", it'll show "ABC.ca is for sale"...and if someone visits "XYZ.ca" it'll show "XYZ.cz is for sale"
Is this something where you can set up one lander page for say 500 domains?

What I'd like is to have one page with 500 domains pointed at it, and the page shows the domain name that was typed in. As if each domain name has it's own page. Is that how this would work?
That is my question too. Would be very useful if it worked that way.

And if you could see the stats of the visitors, and stats on which domain brought each visitor to the page.

Spex said:
Interesting. What does it mean when it says 'multiple domains, one install'

If I have 1000 domains, how does the lander know which domain to display?


If someone visits "ABC.ca", it'll show "ABC.ca is for sale"...and if someone visits "XYZ.ca" it'll show "XYZ.cz is for sale"
I believe these are designed to work with wordpress by developers but not designed by Wordpress

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